Transform your marriage into a life long love affair, God has a - TopicsExpress


Transform your marriage into a life long love affair, God has a vision for your marriage, divorce is not of God. God has no business with bad decisions!! God has a plan for your marriage so has the devil also. God is a great strategist , so is the devil also. Devil has always been an enemy of marriage right from creation. The first thing the devil does to your marriage is; a. Separation; 1. He separates you from your God. 2. He separates you from your spouse. b. Substitution ; 1. lf you only have this and that car, money (material things) He will get you to believe that something will make you happy than your spouse. He is always getting you to substitute things from the other . 2. He wants you to be lonely and chase after things that will ruin your life by taking you far away from your GOD. The devil will always take your mind back to the things of the world. Couples should always pray together, because a prayer family is a powerful family. The more spiritual you are, the less attack you get from the devil, he or she who loves his partener loves him or her self. Sometimes when trial and temptation takes hold of our marriage, we fail to realise the our bedrock (God) is always there to give us solutions and when we decide to do things our way, we become helpless, hopeless and miserable. People are not perfect , they will definitely hurt you, forgive him or her and dont love them less, all those temptations strengthens the love of marriage when one come out of them. lf you want to quench the storm raving in your marriage , please dictate the Jonah and get him off the boat. Jonah can be a woman, man, advisers, material things , bad friends and things that keep you away from your house. God was present the day you said to each other l do he has never left you and he will never leave you, allow him pilot your marriage, when light comes into ones life all the struggle ceases. Divorce is not an option.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 06:08:46 +0000

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