Translation via Ms Barbara-Marie at Voices from Russia: The - TopicsExpress


Translation via Ms Barbara-Marie at Voices from Russia: The Economics Ministry prepared a plan to optimise budget expenditures on the by the end of March using a sequestration budget. The budget reduces capital costs, eliminate tax schemes and incentives, and cut social benefits, such as, it slashed 50 percent of pension rates for working pensioners. According to the Ministry of Social Policy, in December 2013, the average pension in the Ukraine was about 160 USD a month. The Economics Ministry hastily prepared the document as the Rump Rada “approved” this plan on 27 February and presented it to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade for approval on 3 March. The government plans a sequestration budget starting at the end of March 2014, to cut government expenditures by 65-80 billion hryvnia. There it is. The real right-wing agenda of the illegitimate oligarchs-junta of Ukraine starts with throwing the old folks - WORKING old folks - out into the cold without their shoes. Slashing pension plans by half in a single go. Say what you will about Yanukovych - even in the dire economic straits Ukraine was in when he left, he never did anything as heartless as this. Right on the heels of a European bailout, the junta starts demolishing what little social safety net there was for Ukraines elderly - whilst clearly preserving it for its wealthiest kleptocrats. Catholics and American progressives who claim to care about the working poor - you would be screaming bloody murder (I hope!) if this happened in the US or the UK. Please dont support the people who do this to Ukraine.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 16:09:53 +0000

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