Travel Journal Entry - Oct 17 --- Paradise In My Hands - TopicsExpress


Travel Journal Entry - Oct 17 --- Paradise In My Hands --- This morning I woke up in Paradise. Still not quite believing where I was and how quick everything happened, I looked outside the window and saw a banana tree and a round bush full of tropical flowers. The air was humid and somewhat heavy, with shy rays of morning sun gliding through the misty clouds of the last nights rain. Im in Hawaii, on one of the most beautiful, idillic islands with a melodic name - Maui. Wow... Two days ago I was still wondering where Id be heading to. Feeling rather lost and indecisive about what, how and why. And today Im experiencing hot tropical air, bountiful rainforest vegetation of lush green all around, waterfalls and rivers overfilled with fast waters and flowers, flowers, flowers everywhere. After the intense draught I witnessed in the past 2 months in California, seeing this incredible abundance of green and water is absolutely overwhelming. --- After 2 months in California with my two amazing soul brothers and co-creators, Vaz and Aang, we have begun sensing that the time for us three to go apart was approaching. Our travels together have been full of amazing events, syncronicities and joys, as well as many challenges and lessons. And despite feeling apprehensive about loosing the support and comfort of having each other around, we have decided to answer our souls calling to brave the journey of a lone traveller. The time of going within. The time of stretching our limits. The time of connecting with the world from a different space - an intimate One-to-one space. I have never travelled on my own for longer than 2 weeks, and that is back in Europe, but I do know that travelling solo can be a deeply transformative experience. An incredible opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, learn a massive amount about yourself and your connection to the world. Grow as an independent and strong individual, while fully diving into the abundance of syncronicities and chances universe throws at you. Allowing intuition to be your compass and your heart - your best friend. --- Hawaii first appeared in my space on the second day after my arrival to America, back in August. My newly made friend in Shasta had greeted me with Aloha! that morning and I asked him what it meant. He explained that Aloha is a Hawaiian greeting and it means Hello, Goodbye and I Love You in one word. How sweet, I thought, with a wishful smile on my face. Hawaii had a zero chance possibility in my life back then. I grew up in a simple family in a post soviet union country, Latvia, where things like travelling to a foreign country, let alone to heavenly places with palms and Malibu like beaches - were an unattainable luxury. TV series and soap operas like Baywatch and Santa Barbara I loved to watch as I was growing up, made me believe deeply that I cant possibly fit in into these places of luxury, posh people and wealth. I am of a very different background. And so I would always think of places like Hawaii, Santa Barbara and even California as impossible and unattainable dreams. And yet messages of Hawaii kept coming my way. A book about Hawaiian islands jumped at me at the beginning of our road trip in a cottage we stopped at on our way to San Francisco. It was a collection of travellers stories about Hawaii. I took it to read as a bedtime story for inspiration but instead was left disappointed with very simple description of this paradise like land. Im sure there is far more magic to this place, I thought to myself, I could write a better story ;) Maybe one day. After I held this book in my hands, the signs started coming in almost every day. Sometimes, even twice a day, from all possible places - messages of Hawaii, or the Maui island were flowing in. Strangers would speak of Hawaii near me, a friends friend would offer tips on living there, or I would walk into a random cafe and find it to be a Maui themed restaurant, or I would notice a sunscreen dropped on the beach by a carefree beach goer with Hawaii in the brand name... And many more. Everywhere I went in the last few weeks, Hawaii would pop up in conversations or in writing. I did check out the leads I was given but had little luck in finding a base to stay or a volunteering opportunity to make it an affordable trip. I cant possibly go without a plan to an island in the middle of Pacific Ocean! I said to myself, Maybe Ill check it out later on. Someday. But the signs kept coming in. Ar the last place I stayed in California, a guesthouse in Ojai, I walked into the kitchen and the first thing I saw was a pretty postcard with a shimmering waterfall and a line saying: Aloha! from Maui! Ha! This is getting impossible to ignore! And after the owner of the guesthouse in a conversation asked me in a rather demanding and authoritative manner: So when are you going to Hawaii?, I understood that universe had enough of me postponing and wants me to act Now. I have No Idea what is awaiting for me here and why do I need to be in Maui - Right Now, but hey Trust is the big word in my life at this moment and I cant really complain about being led to one of the most magical places in the world for my solo travelling and for my upcoming big number birthday :) When I checked the flights, the cheapest option was to fly out the day after tomorrow! What?! I cant possibly fly in one days time!! Gee.. Ok Universe, whatever you are up to, I am going to take this step! My heart skipped a bit when I pressed Purchase button for my one way plane ticket to Maui, and I run into the bedroom to start packing frantically.. I had one more day in Ojai before leaving for Maui. Ojai is a very pretty, gentle and friendly spiritual town, it earned a special place in my heart during the time I spent there. I went for a stroll and as I stopped at the road crossing, the tall town hall clock tower right in front of me stroke 2 oclock with a loud long Bannng... Bannng.... A light shiver run trough my body. This felt like a marking of something significant in my life. The time has come kind of feeling. 2 also being my Destiny number in the sacred art of numerology, gave these 2 Bannngs a deeper meaning. When I walked into a shop, I found a mum and a daughter singing a cheerful song while waiting in line in front of me. How sweet! A time of joyful celebration indeed! Later that day, when copying music over from my laptop to the phone, coincidentially the one song that was unable to copy over was The Way Home song. Omg! What are you trying to tell me universe? My flight was scheduled for 5.55pm, 5 being the number of change and transformation, and I was allocated a seat number 33 in zone 3 ;) 3 being a blessed Christ number. When we started the car to depart for the airport, the clock showed 11.11. And when at the airport I came up to check the departures board, the time display turned 3.33 :) Guided all the way hey! --- Now lying on my bed in a cozy hostel, still adjusting to the fact that Im in Hawaii (!!!) and having spent my first magical day exploring surrounding rainforests and waterfalls, experiencing my first tropical rain and adoring the endless abundance of flowers I used to love seeing on pictures, all I know now, is that Im in this town for another 3 nights and what lies beyond is a mystery. I am yet to find out why I was called to Maui. I also know that I arrived right at the time when a big storm called Ana has been barreling through the ocean near Hawaii. Hurricane warnings have been issued for the upcoming weekend with the winds now beginning to pick up and heavy showers pouring down throughout the day, beaches and National parks temporarily closing. The locals say there is nothing to worry about. Everyone is being chilled, going about their day the usual Hawaiian relaxed way. They must be used to the tropical weather :) I shall see what tomorrow brings! More Unearthly and Earthly Magic Im sure! Aloha! Xxxx Big love to you all! Xxx Read my previous posts on my Blog here: lidija-ablamska/blog Xxx
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 09:42:32 +0000

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