Trikonasana Hey everybody! Meet Moe. :-) Still on location at - TopicsExpress


Trikonasana Hey everybody! Meet Moe. :-) Still on location at Mawmaws house. Triangle pose used to be one of my least favorite poses. I felt tight & my SI joint would talk to me. With practice Ive learned to create space & lighten up. Its not about how far down my leg I go, its about keeping my spine long. Triangle is not achieved by stretching the side of the body, it comes from movement at the pelvis: the leg bone (femur) moving in the hip socket (acetabulum). Today Ill start in Tadasana & turn sideways on my mat. I step my feet about a legs length apart. I turn my left toes out & my right toes in just a tad (like setting up for Warrior II). I bring my hands to my hips & begin to move in repetition following my breath. Both legs stay long as I exhale & tilt at my left hip crease. I inhale & return upwards. My spine stays long, still in Tadasana. I like to put my thumbs at the base of each rib cage & my pointer fingers at my pelvic (iliac) crest. This reminds me to maintain this space on each side of my waist as I tilt at my hip crease. There should be no curving in my side as I tilt. Triangle is not a lateral stretch like that. If my fingers get closer together on my left side as I tilt I know Im curving. Once I feel comfortable with my tilt I inhale my arms up & out to the sides. As I exhale I tilt at my hip crease & lean over my left leg maintaining my Tadasana spine. My pelvic bowl has tilted, thats all. I used to reach way out over my front leg as I tilted at my hip crease in an effort to create more length & space in my side body. I discovered that by reaching out I was actually creating instability & putting strain through my SI joint. Now I know that by tilting with ease at my hip crease & honoring my range of motion, length & space in my side body just naturally happens. I lower my left arm down towards its natural resting place. For me its my shin. Never prop on the knee joint. My right arm floats up. If I choose to look up my thumb would be my drishti. My arm stays in my line of vision. I follow my range of motion. When I honor my ROM there is space, length & openness. I draw my head back just a little. As I breathe I soften into the pose. My breath is steady & even. To exit the pose I move from my center on an inhalation, arms out to the sides. As I exhale I float my arms down. I pause for a moment to check in with my mind, my body & my breath, then repeat the process on my opposite side.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 23:51:11 +0000

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