True Confessions of a Fitness Coach Volume 2: I have never truly - TopicsExpress


True Confessions of a Fitness Coach Volume 2: I have never truly struggled with my weight, but I have undergone a transformation. One that changed me forever in more than a physical way, after all true transformations come from within and we see its reflection on the outside. Ive heard a rumor lately that some folks are going around saying that pregnancy doesnt count as a transformation story. I am here to say that if you tell that to a woman who has put her body through the wonders of pregnancy, birth and that postpartum deflated figure that her journey doesnt count youre probably gonna get punched in the boob! For 40 weeks I felt different EVERYDAY, some days I was sick, some days I was hungry, I was always tired. I was told I was glowing and beautiful, and yes; some days I felt special and in awe of the amazing things my body was doing, but thirty seconds later I could carve your heart out with my eyes if you told me there was no watermelon.... What do you mean theres no watermelon in the dead of winter in NYC? I WAS MAKING A HUMAN, it was hard work and I required some facking watermelon! The point is for 40 weeks I grew and I grew and I grew. My little womb hijacker took over and we shared that small (but ever growing) space. 34lbs later my boobs and my belly met and lived together in harmony, my thighs rubbed together and my toes looked like little sausages. Was I worried about getting my pre-baby body back? As funny as it sounds, not at all. I LOVED being pregnant. I knew it was a round trip journey, not a one way ticket. I was transforming to that rounder version of myself and one day I would make that transformation back to a new and even better ME! For some its quick, for others it may take some time. As a new mom you are dealing with SO MUCH, including initially feeling selfish for wanting to take time away from your new baby to exercise and prepare yourself a real meal. You have to re-learn how to focus on you, because YOU are different. You are TRANSFORMED. So yeah, IT COUNTS!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 23:00:00 +0000

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