True Poizon : I am socially conservative (and Catholic), but this - TopicsExpress


True Poizon : I am socially conservative (and Catholic), but this is why I dont support the right anymore: Right wingers just dont understand America or what it was founded on. This has nothing to do with freedom and guns, this has everything to do unity and human dignity, which they have very little of. -----Every developed nation had to fight for their freedom at some point, but you dont see them running around shouting freedom at everyone. America is a free country (except in the workplace lol), and nobody is trying to change that. ------Instead of comparing America to Vietnam, China, Russia, and Iraq...pare it to Denmark, France, Australia, or even Canada. ------Read the Constitution? Yes, read where it says: promoting general welfare, or we the people, or forming a more perfect union. I saw no mention of free market or free enterprise. ------Hard work? Its not valued much anymore. Most employers want to pay as little as possible while getting as much productivity as possible. Americans are working hard to help someone else get richer, and then get laid off. And right wingers just call them lazy bums? Sickening. -----This has nothing to do with taxes and wages, not when profits and Executive pay are at an all-time high. There is no single person in this world who earns millions. Try some Human Dignity. Not everyone can afford rising tuition costs, loans or just quit their jobs when they have bills to pay. -----Our founding fathers made guns an amendment, not because they thought it was bad ass, cool and macho....but so Americans could protect themselves from tyranny. Humanity has hit an all-time low when people care more about guns than the good of everyone (and I dont support banning guns). -----Even Eisenhower (a Republican) said you dont take away welfare and minimum wages, and that every bullet and missile fired takes away from the poor. Even Reagan (a Republican) said we need to close loopholes (before he was bought out by the rich). And dont get me started on the Bible... ------This has nothing to do with being a communist, though right wingers dont even understand what true communism is since they believe China and USSR were actual communists which they werent. Communism is where everyone is equal; you wont be rich but you wont be homeless and hungry. The only foreigners who come to America are ones from poor nations, or ones who want to get rich because our system exploits workers. ------America used to be a community nation of people who cared and helped each other out, now its a nation of greedy rich people exploiting workers so they can buy more cars and houses they dont need. So, right wingers can continue being minions to the rich who screw them over, or they can be true patriots and defend those who are exploited and manipulated. Human dignity.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 03:03:40 +0000

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