True, yet the next dilemma is, how to get the masses away from the - TopicsExpress


True, yet the next dilemma is, how to get the masses away from the mainstream infotainment that is dumbing them down and keeping them under a hypnotic state of apathy. I have wondered so long why no one, even those in academia and science have never even bothered to make use of all the wonderful tools available for weather and meteorology on the net. I discovered them immediately, I am curious about all and want to see how my world works, you would only assume others in academia would be equally curious, no? Why havent they looked into all the wealth of information on how our monetary system works and as mentioned in the talks below, knowledge of the secret meeting on Jekyll Island in 1910 by the criminal bankers to create the FED? This book by Griffin, as well as others like it are free in pdf format along with videos on same. Having worked in academia for many many years I was shocked and utterly dismayed that no one had or has any idea that their economic system, political system, educational system and now even our planets weather system has been hijacked by these criminals. Topics of monumental importance to our survival have been made off limits in many places, I noticed how no one even spoke about serious political issues or current events. This is all about Control. They have allowed themselves to be put into very small concentrated areas of study that are so narrow in scope thus enabling this control. All part of the plan. I noticed how those around me no longer spoke of or questioned the truly important matters of our world. Living in such an environment would result in anyone who is aware, to be dismayed and sickened to witness this day in and day out. Again, it is no measure of health to adjust to a profoundly sick society, I could never adjust to the abnorm allowing it to become the norm as so many seem to do (just look at our skies now, they have accepted these toxic clouds/skies as the norm!!!) It was not always this way and we must not only never forget this, but bring back what was once a healthy and open society. Prior to this current/sick paradigm we now find ourselves in, specifically during the 80s and 90s everyone was not only allowed to speak on any and all topics (First Amendment rights but more important individual sovereignty) but the professors would join in. It was a fun and healthy environment. How far and fast have we fallen in just a short amount of time. We have lost our freedoms because we have allowed ourselves to censor each other. (sound familiar?). The definition of this is slavery plain and simple. Another question I have, where is the curiosity in the university setting and why havent they figured it out by now after all these years?? Even those at the level of professor have no clue as to how their world works. They have allowed themselves to be duped and used by this corporate system for money and ego, not much different than politicians. I await the day they finally wake up and realize all the research they have carried out for so long has not only been a great waste of resources and time but has worked against humanity, not for it. When they finally realize this is about us and understand the Law of One. https://youtube/watch?v=i05m8w7rD_4#t=16
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 23:48:44 +0000

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