Truths No One Likes To Hear 1. Some people just don’t want to be - TopicsExpress


Truths No One Likes To Hear 1. Some people just don’t want to be your friend Everyone has that one friend we always feel rejected by. We constantly try to make plans with them to hang out but we’re always met with some explanation of “You know, this week is just really insane. I could do a lunch from 2:10 to 2:20 three weeks from now though…” They make themselves seem like the busiest person on Planet Earth. Yeah, this is a load of BS. I know you’re trying to keep the friendship flame alive but you should just stop trying and salvage some dignity. No one is ever too busy to hang out with someone they genuinely want to see. You make time for the right people. 2. You can’t change people…most of the time Human beings have this nasty habit of wanting to save other people. We think that with the right amount of TLC, we can change the foundation of someone’s personality and mold them into being the perfect partner. People only change if they want to. 3. You’re in a crappy relationship This is a really sticky situation. How do you tell a close friend that they’re in a terrible relationship? “Your special person is not special. They’re actually ruining your life!” No one wants to hear that! Need I remind you that love is deaf, dumb, and blind?! When you’re in a bad relationship, you learn to rationalize all of it. In your mind, it’s fine and even if you’re aware of it being unhealthy, you’re used to it so back off, concerned friends!
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 01:38:05 +0000

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