Tuesday 18/11/2014 Yom shlishi, kaf heh cheshvan, This Morning i - TopicsExpress


Tuesday 18/11/2014 Yom shlishi, kaf heh cheshvan, This Morning i woke up to the sounds of sirens sounding in the neighborhood. While i live in israel and have become accustomed- somewhat- to the sounds of sirens, i have never heard so many before. Was there a police escort driving Bibi Netanyahu through the neighborhood? I got up and woke my 3 young children. My husband and eldest son had already left for shul. The sirens didnt stop, they were right outside the window...what was going on? It was now 7.08 ,usually the most quiet time of the day as the men are in shul and children are slowly starting to wake up. I looked out my window and from afar , at the top of our road i saw police vans, police cars, special forces vans - those big white ones with the blacked-out windows like you see in the movies- And out of them were pouring policemen and soldiers with guns and they were running towards an ashkenazi shul on the next road, and the shouting started and the panic outside set in and people were running and more police were arriving and the sirens kept wailing...wait! Where was my son? Where was my husband? They left at 7.00 to daven......my son studies in the school opposite the shul where all the police were. My husband sometimes davens at the sephardi shul next to the one the police were running to. Please Hashem i said to myself, please let them be safe, no matter whats going on. I stood frozen looking at what was going on outside...then my younger children came running to me and i broke my frozen scared horrified stare and turned away from the window. Something very wrong was going on here, something very wrong..... The wave of panic outside engulfed us. I ran to the radio ..... Breaking news - 2 terrorists have attacked a shul full of worshippers with knives AXES and guns, while they were davening shmona -esray. 4 suspected dead and 5 seriously injured.........Hashem Yishmor. Terrorists travelled from their village in east jerusalem to a quiet suburban religious neighborhood in jerusalem and entered a shul to kill innocent men and boys while they were praying. These worshippers were not armed , could not defend themselves, they were cloaked in tallitot and wore tefillin , not suits of armor and guns!!! my thoughts turned to the dead and wounded and then to my my husband and my son (o.m.g! Where were they? Were they safe? Were they alive?) my younger children looked up at me with worry and fear and pure terror in their eyes. I started to cry , i started to pace the apartment ...and the sirens outside didnt stop and the screams outside penetrated the windows and the wave of panic continued to gain force.... 7:20 , The phone rang and it was my son- i am fine mom, i was in class when the attack broke out, i am fine, we are staying in the school till things calm down outside , i heard the shots mom , i heard them clear as day! And as i was walking to school this morning a white car came speeding up the road and turned into the road where the attack was . They say on the news that the terrorists drove a white car....maybe it was them? Dont worry mom, ill be home soon . Baruch Hashem i said out loud after his call . I was so relieved. My eldest son, at only 14 showed so much bravery and stayed so calm. 7:30, I and the children sat and continued to listen to the radio.... I hugged them each and told them i loved them. we waited ....For my husband, for their abba. He had left his cellphone at home this morning... The calls started- from family, from work...are we okay , everyone asked. where is my husband i thought? I watched the clock...he should be home by now....my mind was racing and those sirens outside continued to drive me nuts - make them stop!!!please make them stop . At 8.00 i heard the front door - it was my husband back from shul (Baruch Hashem) . He had tears in his eyes and we just hugged each other and held each close for the longest time. He hugged the children and then we locked the front door tightly. We were on lockdown. The neighborhood continued to teem with police and maddah (magen david adom). They were searching all shuls for more terrorists... and so this was our day, and we prayed and we cried and we asked why? No words can really describe what we all went through today...the panic and the fear and the pain and the sadness. The pictures of the shul with blood on the floor, on talitot on siddurim....on the worshippers. The sirens continued until late in the morning , helicopters circled all day and then those sounds outside were replaced with the wailing and the crying of the mourners who came to the shul where the attack occurred, in order to pay their final respects to those who had died. Final words and prayers are still being heard throughout the neighborhood on loudspeakers... And across the world and the USA, CNN has the audacity to report that Israeli police shot dead 2 Palestinian civilians and that 4 israelis and 2 palestinians died in jerusalem with no reference to it being a TERRORIST ATTACK! In the village where the terrorists came from, sweets are now being handed out in celebration of the heroes that accomplished their mission .... And so this was our day and we will continue to pray and to cry and to ask why? But we will also continue to fight and to strive and to live and to protect our beloved country.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 07:01:17 +0000

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