>>>>>>>>>>Tuesday Service Updates>>>>>>>>> Special Guest - TopicsExpress


>>>>>>>>>>Tuesday Service Updates>>>>>>>>> Special Guest Minister: Prophet E. Chari Scriptures: Genesis 28:10-22 and Ruth 1:1-5 Jacob was a blessed man; he was a man who was carrying a serious blessing in him. One day he left his place Beer-Sheba and came to a place called Haran. As he was passing Luz, the sun went down, and he was in a place of darkness, hence the place was named Luz. Jacob, a man carrying a blessing thought of sleeping in the darkness, he was going to a period where light had gone and darkness had come. After meeting with God, the place that was known as a place of darkness had a change in name and became Bethel, a place which he called the house of God. In Matthew 2, when Jesus was born, the Wisemen were following a star that was leading them to where the child was. They had been led from the East by a star, but the star disappeared the moment they got to Herod’s house. The reason why they were called WISE is not because they were WISE but rather it is because they were able to interpret a God’s season and time, because wisdom is knowing how to interpret God’s time. The kingdom of God is a kingdom of prosperity Isaiah 60:1 states “arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.” The prophet Isaiah was talking to people who had been given a message that when you see the light, it is time to arise, but it seems there were people who were still asleep when the light was shining. People were relaxing yet the light had come until they had to be reminded; ARISE!!! JESUS IS THE LIGHT, yet there are people who are still in the dark. Scripture states that darkness was in the land but deep darkness was in the people, this shows that sometimes the problem is not out there or the world but the problem is in YOU!! When God wanted to deliver Israel from Egypt, Moses had to go more than ten times before Pharaoh with the message, “let my people go” but Pharaoh said no until God told Moses to go to those who were to be delivered and give them an instruction that they should kill a lamb and put the blood on their doorpost because God was about to send an angel of death, He further told them that if you do not have a lamb, go to a family that has one. At times the problem is not with Pharaoh but the people who are to be delivered, if you do not have grace, fall under a man who does or fall under a house that has grace. The problem is we have people who are proud, if you see from your bloodline, there is nobody who ever owned a car, all were tenants and none of them ever owned house, why then are you not associating yourself with a person or people whom God has granted the grace to achieve what you don’t have the grace for. Ruth saw a connection in Naomi, When Naomi told Ruth and Orpah to go back to their father’s houses and marry again, Ruth understood that Naomi carried a connection that could get her to marry a rich young man, Boaz. She decided to have a change in identity, lose what she was accustomed to so she could get what Naomi carried. Orpah kissed Naomi and went back to her father’s house but Ruth said I will go with you because in you Naomi there is a connection I need. You might be in a church where there are no air conditions or comfortable chairs but in that church or pastor there is a connection you need, things might not be right today, but you have discovered you can’t make it on your own, there is something in that man that you will need tomorrow. You are very precious in the sight of God. You are special before God. Do not fight people who fight you. If we are to fight back ourselves, the impact will be little, but if God does, the impact will be great. Remember, if God wants to fight them, He will, if He wants to forgive them, He will. It is not our duty to fight people, But ours is to kneel down before God and pray. It is good to disconnect yourself from people who do not believe in what you believe. Why are you still hanging around people who talk badly about your spiritual father? There are people whom you are hanging around with that are killing what God is putting inside you on a daily basis. There are environments that you are seen in that are destroying what God has placed in you. There are places which you are not supposed to be in if you are carrying an anointing. They will destroy you and put your light out. The moment the wise men got to Herod’s house; the star they were following disappeared, because Herod was a king to be replaced by Jesus. He was a man whom God was fighting. Why are hanging around people who cause your star to disappear. Naomi and Elimelech left the house of bread and went to Moab, a place carrying a serious demon, a demon of death. They left a prophetic place for a place that was good looking, that had bread, but the bread was not prophetic. The more they were eating was the more they died, yet when they left Bethlehem it was because the place of bread no longer had bread. They were dying because they did not know the bread they were now eating. There are people who are spending time with people who are killing them. If you lack knowledge about what you are eating, you are in great danger. You are enjoying but there is something that is killing you. The most dangerous person is the one who smiles at you and tell you they love you whereas they do not. It is better to have a person hate you openly, because you will how to keep issues about your life hidden from them than to be telling people who pretend to love you whereas they wish you harm. Poisoned food is better than a poisoned conversation, because as the food enters the stomach, you will feel that something is wrong and you will quickly run to the doctor. There are people whom you are supposed to disconnect from. You need a Jacob that will see the light at Luz, you need somebody who will see the light or star in you. THERE IS A LIGHT INSIDE YOU!!!
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 13:54:42 +0000

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