Twenty-Two Faces.Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and - TopicsExpress


Twenty-Two Faces.Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities.Judy Byington MSW,LCSW,retired.,Foreword by Colin A. Ross,MD.Saved by an angel from certain death,Jenny Hill utilizes prayer, forgiveness & her multiple personalities to triumph over a Nazi mind controller attempting to mould her into a Manchurian Candidate. Twenty-Two Faces documents how the only known survivor-intended-victim of a modern-day human sacrifice ceremony six year-old Jenny Hill,overcomes multiplicity resulting from brainwashing,her perpetrators having subjected the child to insidious mind-control techniques culled from Nazi Germany.As is the case for thousands of children across the globe unfortunate enough to be born into families still practicing these aberrant religious rites.Using a lone resource:faith in God, Jenny tries to make sense of a life where she jumps from one day to the next. Eventually with help of a psychologist:she takes charge of her divided mind by facing alter personalities and their traumatic repressed memories,overcomes family-society rejection,confronts and forgives abusers,showing an ability of the human spirit to overcome against all odds,profound emotional shock and miraculously healing from severe childhood trauma.The ending will shock you. Read the first 3 Chapters for FREE! !Order the controversial Paperback version $12.95 Add to cart Download the eBook PDF version, receive a link $6.95 Add to cart About the Author Judy Byington has dedicated her life to humanizing and raising public awareness about the little known effects of ritual abuse and mind-control programming that tragically cause formation of multiple personalities in children. The retired CEO,therapist,author & mental health supervisor is founder & leader of Trauma Research Center,a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information through CEU accredited seminars & lectures on Dissociation & coordinating ritual abuse survivor group,therapeutic & legal resources. The former mental health supervisor spent twenty years in research with Jenny Hill while interviewing hundreds of ritual abuse survivors,legal entities,therapists, families of missing children & religious,media & community leaders.She works as a consultant on satanic crime with the Utah Attorney General’s office. With a compelling drive to educate the public on the unimaginable horrors faced by children born into families practicing ritual abuse,Byington continues to pen books about survivors like Jenny Hill who suffer repressed childhood memories of forced participation in rape,torture & murder.Her upcoming book Saints,Sinners & Satan encompasses a first person account of her own experiences with multiple personality survivors and satanic crime. 22faces/
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 16:35:36 +0000

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