Two DUMBBELL Workout… Need assistance or motivation - pls - TopicsExpress


Two DUMBBELL Workout… Need assistance or motivation - pls talk to Ellyse or one of our PTs. DIRECTIONS Perform exercises 1A through 1C as a circuit. So, you’ll do one set of the Bulgarian split squat, one set of stepups, and then one set of the dumbbell squat before resting for two minutes. Repeat until all the prescribed sets are complete. Perform the remaining paired exercises (2A and 2B, 3A and 3B) as supersets. That means you’ll do a set of A and then a set of B before resting, and repeat until all sets are completed for the pair. The last exercise, the pushup, is done as conventional straight sets. 1A. BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUAT Sets: 2–3 Reps: 15–20 (each side) Rest: 0 sec. Stand lunge-length in front of a bench. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and rest the top of your left foot on the bench behind you. Lower your body until your rear knee nearly touches the floor and your front thigh is parallel to the floor. 1B. STEPUP Sets: 2–3 Reps: 15–20 (each side) Rest: 0 sec. Stand behind a bench or other elevated surface that will put your thigh at parallel to the floor when you place your foot onto it. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and step up onto the bench but leave your trailing leg hanging off. 1C. DUMBBELL SQUAT Sets: 2–3 Reps: As many as possible Rest: 120 sec. Hold dumbbells at shoulder level and stand with your feet shoulder width. Sit back with your hips and lower your body as far as you can without losing the arch in your lower back. 2A ELBOW-OUT DUMBBELL ROW Sets: 2–3 Reps: 15–20 Rest: 0 sec. Keeping your lower back arched, bend your hips back until your torso is parallel to the floor. Turn your palms to face your legs, squeeze your shoulder blades together, and row the dumbbells—raising your arms out 90 degrees from your torso. 2B. DUMBBELL OVERHEAD PRESS Sets: 2–3 Reps: 15–20 Rest: 90 sec. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level with palms facing in front of you. Brace your abs and press the weights overhead. 3A. ONE-ARM, ELBOW-IN DUMBBELL ROW Sets: 2–3 Reps:15–20 (each side) Rest: 0 sec. Perform a row as directed previously, but use one arm at a time and draw your elbow straight back so you row the weight to your side with palm facing in. 3B. ONE-ARM, ELBOW-IN DUMBBELL OVERHEAD PRESS Sets: 2–3 Reps: 15–20 (each side) Rest: 90 sec. Perform an overhead press as directed previously, but use one arm at a time and turn your palm to face in. 4. PUSHUP Sets: 2–3 Reps: as many as possible Rest: 60 sec. Place your hands on the floor at shoulder width. Keeping your abs braced and your body in a straight line, squeeze your shoulder blades together and lower your body until your chest is an inch above the floor.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 20:01:42 +0000

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