Two Keene City residents bash Keene Chronicle at City Council - TopicsExpress


Two Keene City residents bash Keene Chronicle at City Council while The Star Group receives public recognition At the Keene City Council meeting on the evening of June 13, while Mayor Ackermann announced “a proclamation designating June 10th through June 14th as Star Week in the City of Keene, Keene residents Bud Findley and Jasper “Jack” Hardwick launched (in the public forum) into what can only be described as ranting and often rambling tirades, publicly deriding the Keene Chronicle as “unethical, disrespectful, disgraceful and arrogant!” Bud Findley, while addressing the “due diligence” issue to the City Council Members, made the following statement: “The Keene Chronicle article is in absolute error. All the commentary concerning the above, mudslinging, inaccuracy and incompetent behavior by the Keene Chronicle are representative of their owner/staff minions and assigns. They are continuing to endanger economic development, tax income and jobs in Keene, by using unethical behavior in order to publish content, sell content and supposedly (sic) profit under the ruse of a newspaper. “…One solution would be for the Keene Chronicle to do something supportive and creative for a change and host Bay Minette jurisdiction to come to Keene. This would be a good tax write-off for the Keene Chronicle ownership. Since city and boards are tax exempt entities, that would surely be received and considered. If interested, please contact Bill Guinn, City Manager. He would be glad to provide you the donation documentation, I am sure. “…The Keene Chronicle’s due diligence on legal matters represents the same wisdom, public commentary, and fair and equal handed nature or your research and professionalism. Tactics being used by Keene Chronicle, minions and assigns: Interview requests submission after commentary has already been created and circulated to the public and elected officials. This shows intent and ill will. No, none, zero interview requests to B.e, reconfirmed this afternoon, pm for fair and equal handed reporting. Taking of license plate numbers of vehicles located on private property for the purposes of freedom of information requests at City Hall, the waste of City resources and staff time from actions required by the above, public commentary and publication of K.C. ownership and staff personal agendas resulting from election results and personal vendettas, which are damaging to the city and economic development opportunities, public and harmful exhibition of an internal jurisdictional policy debate is for sensationalism and greed, printing disrespectful and arrogant condemnation of staff and elected officials, with no apparent appreciation of their sincere efforts, time, insight and experience. “To say it bluntly, you believe by the manner and display of your commentary you are intimating you are smart and they are incompetent to lead, shame on you! Real and good change comes from the inside out on municipal policy. We should be insulted and wary of efforts that have not first been vetted with sweat equity and teamwork. That’s all I have to say.” Keene resident Jasper “Jack” Hardwick made the following commentary: “…I think that’s Keene Chronicle is an insult to the newspaper industry as a whole. This is a worthless piece of paper! I also resent saying that I and these people out here have held the mayor’s feet to the fire. When you say ‘Keene residents’ you’re talking about me. I have never held your feet to the fire, have I Mr. Mayor? I wouldn’t know how to light somebody’s feet to the fire. I think personally, this is the most disgraceful thing! They, Keene Chronicle, use the name Keene, which is the most insulting thing I’ve seen, very insulting! “And I noticed too, that most newspapers – real newspapers, they have a masthead – I don’t know if this is the proper name or not. And it shows a Robert – I don’t know how to pronounce that last name, and could care less! But it doesn’t show the owner, who’s the owner? “…But certain parrots and puppets get up and make some statements that were some of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard! And I think this, if you really want to know, put in a masthead, why don’t you put the owner’s name in here? And I noticed today’s paper; you had a letter to the editor, that’s very unusual! Now they’re beginning to come out of the woodwork. You also have had articles where the writer of the article would not use his name, he used initials. Now whether they were real initials, it was a real person, was it you, or who it was – I don’t blame them. If I had had an article published in here, I don’t think I’d want my name published in here either! I think that this is probably new low for the City of Keene, a very new low for Keene, one of the worst things that’s happened to Keene! “I like Keene, I’m very proud of these people, these people were elected, they were actually elected! And I’m sorry that I promote them 100%. I may not always agree with what they’ve got to say, but I will say this, they have been elected, they didn’t come out of the woodwork, they are not hiding behind a shield, they are not trying to say that they are uh, what they’re position is. And if the owner had enough guts to put his name on here, or you’d put a name in here, I think anybody else that’s concerned with it, mostly papers do put the owners, the publishers, the writers, the circulation people and all the rest of them. “I think it’s time that the owner comes forward! Thank you.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 17:47:55 +0000

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