Two cardboard boxes by the CIA Report of the Washington Post : - TopicsExpress


Two cardboard boxes by the CIA Report of the Washington Post : U.S. intelligence is said to have paid $ 15 million for Poland torture prison / government denies allegations For years it has been speculated now apparently one even knows the sum for which the then new NATO member Poland allowed the CIA to establish a secret torture prison on its territory. According to Washington Post U.S. intelligence has paid in 2003, exactly 15 million dollars ( eleven million euros ) to the Polish partner . Of course, in cash , and probably you did without a receipt. The money had been sent in two cardboard boxes at the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw and then handed over to the Vice Chief of the Polish secret , they say. Meet the , so it was a scandal of the first order , immediately revolted Josef Pinior , former member of the EU Parliaments competent committee of inquiry here : It sold for human rights for peanuts . Prime Minister Donald Tusk told a hurry as unconcerned : I hope that there were no ambiguous financial operations that foreign intelligence agencies were on Polish soil , the former Polish government denies the allegations . . I know nothing of this money , said the former prime minister Leszek Miller of the Social Democrats. He has the existence of a secret CIA prison has always denied in northeastern Poland . A spokesman for the Krakow prosecutor announced that the item should be evaluated for the ongoing investigation . These investigations have been running for years - and especially into nothingness. Known , however, is that the interrogations of abducted people who were accused of membership in Al Qaeda , on 5 Began in December 2002 . Back then landed a Gulfstream jet with the U.S. identifier N63MU on the small airfield Szczytno - Szymany in northeastern Poland . Seven passengers were on board. Probably six CIA agents and their prisoner climbed standing ready SUV with tinted windows and they were gone . They drove 22 km far into the village of Stare Kiejkuty . There was a training center for the Polish secret . By the end of 2003, the CIA should have served as a torture prison . After the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington on 11 September 2001, the CIA had opened secret prisons around the world. In them illegally abducted terror suspects were detained without any judicial sentence. Even Germany was instrumental in this rendition practice. The number of victims probably only know the kidnappers .
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 12:42:57 +0000

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