Typically Im a FB voyeur, I peruse and like my friends posts and - TopicsExpress


Typically Im a FB voyeur, I peruse and like my friends posts and comments, but I dont really participate. Today is a special day, please excuse my intrusion. Dealing with loss and grief is a very personal journey. Over the last four years I have worked hard to be strong and stay positive. The reality of life is that it will continue whether you choose to participate or not. So, over the last four years I have developed a close relationship with Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Grigio, gardening and I dont think life would be half as attractive without my anti-depressant. I am truly fortunate to have a wonderful family and a lot of love in my life. BUT, my commitment to my boys is the crux of my strength, I dont want to let them down or disappoint them in any way. I need (yes, I mean NEED as in it is imperative to my mental and emotional well being) to honor Kades life by being the kind of person he and Zane are proud to have as their mother. Of course this has been the case from the moment I became their mother, but my point is that it doesnt change even though Kade is no longer sharing this life with us. Therefore I choose to participate in life to the best of my ability. Today I decided to take action and do something that I thought would make Kade proud. Kade loved sweets and the color orange, the color yellow was special because of the way he pronounced it when he was little lellow. So, today I took flowers, with a lot of orange and yellow, and a huge box of chocolates to the residents at the VA Community Living Center. Thank you Kade for helping me to want to extend myself out of my comfort zone. I love you. Thank you to my friends and family.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 01:25:25 +0000

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