UFO Buzzes Nuclear Plant In Mexico, Latest Of Many UFOs Seen - TopicsExpress


UFO Buzzes Nuclear Plant In Mexico, Latest Of Many UFOs Seen Hovering At Nuke Facilities A UFO filmed hovering over nuclear power plant in Veracruz, Mexico, and posted to YouTube November 7 is just the latest in a long series of UFO sightings over and near nuclear facilities — as history of ominous sightings that stretches back six decades, to the earliest days of nuclear energy production. The UFO video from Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant, a 24-year-old nuke owned and operated by the Mexican government, was purportedly shot with a cell phone camera on November 5 by an engineer at the power plant. The 91-second-long video, viewable above, definitely shows something hovering over the nuclear reactors. But what? While technically a UFO because the object is “unidentified” and flying, speculation among commenters on the video’s YouTube page, which as received more than 40,000 views so far, ranges from “toy,” to “party balloon,” to the more sinister “Russian spy thing.” By “thing,” the commenters mean a drone, that is, an unmanned aircraft of some kind. But a drone could be anything from a harmless toy to a military surveillance or attack aircraft. Or is the video simply a hoax? So far, no experts have examined the Mexican UFO video closely enough to weigh in. Of course, some viewers of the video see it as an authentic recording of an alien spacecraft. Scott Waring, of the popular UFO Sighting Daily blog, speculates that “aliens are interested in our technological advances and how we make energy, while impacting the Earth with pollution.” Another possibility, Waring believes, is that he video shows a damaged alien spacecraft “harvesting” energy from the Laguna Verde nuke to “get home.” While Waring’s speculation will likely be taken with a grain of nuclear powered salt by most observers, the fact remains that nuclear power plants have been unusually common sites for UFO sightings. The phenomenon dates back to 1950, when a number of scientists working on a then-secret nuclear energy project at Los Alamos spotted a disc-shaped UFO zig-zagging across the sky at an altitude of about 2,000 feet. Two years later, similar UFO sightings were reported UFOs hovering over newly-built nuclear plants in Washington and South Carolina. More recently, a 2012 UFO video from Mexico was also captured at a nuclear power plant. And in April of this year, a series of UFO sightings were reported at McGuire Nuclear Station in North Carolina. The Salem Nucelar Power Plant in New Jersey has also been the site of numerous UFO sightings, which like all UFO incidents, may have an innocent explanation, but one has not yet been forthcoming.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 13:58:53 +0000

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