UK Muslim explains that he is going to Iraq or Syria because Allah - TopicsExpress


UK Muslim explains that he is going to Iraq or Syria because Allah “has commanded for the Muslims to go and fight jihad Thirteen years after 9/11 and the Islamic terror attacks of London, Madrid, Mumbai, Bali, Russia, Nigeria, Thailand, Israel, et al, and the media is still scratching its hollow head as to what motivates these devout Muslims. The 9/11 hijackers’ last letters cited Allah 90 times, but what could it be? The Fort Hood jihadi was giving out qurans the morning of his jihad and wearing the garb of the shaheed when he went jihad in the largest attack on a military base on home soil, screaming allahu akbar, and the media scratches its head. Hamas, Hezb’Allah, Islamic State (ISIS) (ISIL), Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda all repeatedly state that they are waging jihad in the cause of Islam, and still the enemedia asks, “What is the motivation for people, usually revealed to be youngsters with little or no experience of conflict, to leave their homes in British towns and cities to do so?” - See more at: pamelageller/2014/08/uk-muslim-explains-going-iraq-syria-allah-commanded-muslims-go-fight-jihad.html/#sthash.C1eLis32.dpuf
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 12:11:46 +0000

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