UK´s Prince Philip, printed in the American Almanac 25 Aug, - TopicsExpress


UK´s Prince Philip, printed in the American Almanac 25 Aug, 1997:“ In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation“! Such a cynical attitude of the elite must be seen as a very serious warning to us. For a long time during my internet Odyssees, I have run into the concept of New World Order depopulation. Time and again I found it so bizarre that I immediately went on to another topic. However, of late – in particular in the context of the “swineflu pandemic” declared by the WHO I ran into such remarkable evidence that I cannot ignore this threat any longer. The Center for American Progress is sponsored by The Rockefeller Brothers´Fund, by George Soros i.a.archglobalists. It cooperates closely with the EU-infiltrating communist Common Purpose. Today I saw this video where Historian Anton Chaitkin tells a panel including Ezekiel Emmanuel (right), the brother of White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel, that Pres. Obama has put in place a revival of Hitler´s euthanasia programme. Chaitkin says the programme will deprive the old, chronically ill and lives not worthy to be lived of medical care – Dr. Emmanuel being responsible. Purpose: to save 2–3 bn dollars. Dr Emmanuel is told to be a fellow of the Hastings Center for euthanasia propaganda to shape public opinion as well as the opinion of doctors towards a death culture, saying the Hippocratic oath of doctors is to be “junked”. Dr. Chaitkin points out that Hitler said exactly the same things – and that was the beginning of his euthanasia programme. In Oct. 2008 Dr. Emmauel wrote that a major crisis, war etc. would make the scared public accept Obama´s health programme. “You think you are being protected by powerful financiers. But the spotlight is now on you”. Now one would expect a forceful rejection by Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel. But instead he shortly states that he has always written against euthanasia. Then he rises to his feet and walk out – in order not to have to answer unpleasant questions. Which to me seems like a confirmation of Anton Chaitkin´s terrible accusations. Now, according to the very well informed LaRouche Committee, “the Rockefeller, Ford and New World Foundations paid for Hastings Center to carefully revive and popularize euthanasia, which the Nazi German "Action T4" killing center had carried out against "useless eaters" three decades earlier, and for which the U.S. had punished the Nazi perpetrators in the Nuremberg Trials only 23 years before Hastings was set up.” The Times 24 may 2009 has a remarkable story: "Bill Gates gathers his billionaire friends of the “Good Club” including David Rockefeller Jr., Warren Buffett and George Soros, the financiers, Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, and the media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey. These members have given away more than £45 billion since 1996 to causes ranging from health programmes in developing countries to ghetto schools nearer to home. A consensus emerged that they would back a strategy in which population growth would be tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social and industrial threat. “This is something so nightmarish that everyone in this group agreed it needs big-brain answers,” said the guest. “They need to be independent of government agencies, which are unable to head off the disaster we all see looming.” Why all the secrecy? “They wanted to speak rich to rich without worrying anything they said would end up in the newspapers, painting them as an alternative world government,” he said." Here is an Alex Jones video reporting on the insane imaginations of the people just mentioned – how they donate billions and billions of dollars for the purpose of population reduction. Their tool in world governance, the FAO, is about to introduce the Codex Alimentarius dictating us to eat food which has been irradiated, intoxicated with antibiotics and previously forbidden chemicals (chemtrails) and probably also Rockefeller´s gene modified, toxic food and here. See this video with Rima Laibow, who maintains to have documentation for this insanity. This is to be implemented on 31 December 2009 and is expected to kill 3 bn people (which I strongly doubt!). This Codex Alimentarius is a continuation of the Rockefeller concept behind “Bill” Rockefeller´s (father of J.D. Rockefeller I) sale of crude oil as “Nujol” against cancer and constipation for 2 dollars a phial of 30 g Standard Oil crude – leading to grave avitaminotic diseases – whereupon the Rockefellers added carotene. This was the start of the pharma industry! In 1939 John D. Rockefeller bought 15% of IG Farbens shares – later to become its biggest shareholder (producer of Zyklon B gas for Auschwitz). The Wall Street financed IG Farben´s work and genocidal slave work in Auschwitz during WW2. Rockefeller´s Standard Oil thereby earned enormously on a licence to produce synthetic rubber for war planes and petrol from coal. But this was also the place, where Rockefellers´ruthless grip on the pharma industry began. Rockefellers funded the top war criminal, eugenicist Josef Mengele. ..... .....I n 1974, Rockefeller´s trusty crony and New World Order High Priest, co-bilderberger, trilateral commissionist and CFR, Henry Kissinger, demanded food supplies to be reduced to starve countries not complying with the birthrate reduction demanded by the US illuminist government (to have fewer potentially rebellious youngsters against the policies of the US) – to starve to death! Which became US policy under Pres. gerald Ford. Rockefeller´s Club of Rome and here has also proposed drastic reductions uf the US population. The Rockefellers were involved in the WHO vaccination scandal in the 1990es in Mexico, Nicaragua and Mexico when a tetanus vaccine to be given exclusively to women between 15 and 45 years of age turned out to contain human choriogonadotropin causing miscarriage, i.e. regular birth control. The WHO polio-vaccination attempts in Nigeria 2004 were turned down for fear of a US-depopulation campaign. Anyway, China´s enforced 1–child policy seems ideal to the illuminists . Just a few months ago, the illuminist Danish Prime Minister, Fogh Rasmussen, was telling us that our industry was crying for labour, so immigration were so important! Thanks to the Rockefeller Mental Hygiene now annually about 15.000 Danish Embryos are being expelled – about the number missing on the labour market! CNN founder Ted Turner thinks 1. we have global warming 2. and that is due to us being too many, so we should only have 1–2 children (he has 5 himself!). Now birthrate control is one thing. Quite another thing is killing born people. In this respect the Rockefellers have been very active through their Mental Hygiene movement The Rockefellers were behind the Eugenic Movement long before Hitler – even helped Hitler shape his eugenecist paranoia – and made big money on Hitler¨s Holocaust : 1925. The Rockefeller Foundation funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry in Munic, directed by Dr. Ernst Rüdin. It continued to sponsor the Institute and its Nazi leader throughout the devastating holocaust of World Ward II. 1934 (February). A Rockefeller "progress report" (by one of the division heads) asks, "Can we develop so sound and extensive a genetics that we can hope to breed, in the future, superior men? 1930-33. Hitler came to power and delegated Rüdin to direct the Racial Hygiene Society, which called for sterilization or death of people considered "racially impure." The Rockefeller Foundation funded an anthropological survey of the eugenically correct population by Nazi eugenicists Rüdin and others. 1940s. "In the early 1940s, a large factory was built "at Auschwitz… to utilize the Standard Oil IG Farben patents with concentration camp slave labour to make gasoline from coal. The SS guarded the Jewish and other inmates and selected for killing those who were unfit for IG Farben slave labour…. Standard Oil and German President Emil Heilfeck testified after the war at the Nuremberg Trial that Standard Oil funds helped pay for the SS guards at Auschwitz."
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 03:09:43 +0000

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