UNREQUITED LOVE,SADNESS,SORROW LOSS AND GOODBYE ....ARE ALL OF THE THINGS THAT MAKE US DIE,,WE LOOK TO THE STARS & PREY TO THE SKY,DOWN ON OUR KNEES,..ASKING THE QUESTION,THE QUESTION IS WHY? ( i made that up myself, not bad hey) life is strange & gods moves even stranger,,,every single tiny little thing that happens in your life,,from the bus you mist,the strangers you have met,,the good things,and the bad things that happen in life...........all happen for a reason.. mos times you will never see,hear,understand why,,,, but but but there is a reason,,always,,,& has hard as this may be to except sometimes...especialy when life,loved ones,,leave u feeling raw! sand blasted down to the sole...exposed,vulnrable,week,,broken,,un armd,deffencles like a small child,,, When life pulls the rug from under you,turns everything u thought you knew up side down and on its head....Destroying everything you hold dear true(destroying you)first the heart then the mind,,,,but never your sole! ALL we can do is know and trust in the things we can not see,we can not see the wind,,but we know its there! we can not see love,we feel,,& it is there forever present,,,in everything!.........it is GOD(your children,ie family) love & the ONLY thing in this life that matters! sometimes in life we get a tiny glimpse of the grand architects plans,gods design,,,we see the silver lining that was in the cloud,,,the true blessing in disguise.....that bus u mist,,crashd! that starnger u spoke to,,was anything but a stranger..........and knew you all along! unrequinted love,,is one of the hardest of all sorrows,,,& how can this be gods choice,,,maybe you need to grow as a person,,orr maybe the other person needs to grow(learn lessons)....there is no truer saying in life,that we only realize what we had & what we lost,,,,,when its lost & gone forever! has heart braking as this is,,,and has impossible has is to try see the good,the grand design,,the reasons,,,behind gods/loves/lifes seemingly underhand,shady moves towards you,,,,,,,,,it is anything & everything but that! we are nothing but children,scared little children who are afraid of the dark,,this is forgiveable as children,,but most men will grow to be afraid of the light,,this is unforgivable...to your self... The fire guard,,the safety gate,,protect our children from there selfs... we are there God,the words mother & farther to a child,,means,,GOD! & has painfull,unfair,,has gods moves can and will seem somtimes in life, we are only still children,scared & afraid,,he is the fire guard & the safety gate to protect us from our self & the dangers we can never see,,, there are forces at work,that we can not begin to understand,never mind the whys,whens & hows,,,,do not question orr try to question them..gods word is final,,,he will never bc track for you or anyone,,fait is fait & can never be alterd/ stopd..and his mind can not be changed,,and u shouldnt even try....... parents say NO! to the small child,the child screams,begs,pleads & crys,, we feel guilty,but we know its for there best,,long term! The small child could never ever begin to understand this,,until they one day have a child them selvs,,then they understand all that they never did,, letting go of a loved one,maybe they have past on,,orr maybe they have just moved on.....is gods ultimate curve ball,,,dont worry about money,bills,what people outside your own family think about you.. where all in a race! & one day you will realise that you were the only runner in that race,,, the real things that should concern you(dont concern you),,your not aware of them,,,,they wil hit you,blinde side you on sum idle tuesday afternoon! ripping your world,life,heart apart! we are all human,we all make mistakes,,do not judge or be harsh on others! learn to forgive peoples sins(hurts) towards you,,,and god will forgive your sins....he will know u have grown,and are becoming a true instrument of all he and you are! your becoming an extention of his will,,his love & goodwill to all men,,, with" hope"light, as the unspoken,unwritten- middle name...........Your no longer fighting him,swimming against the tide,,your going with the flow down stream,,,,your trusting in him,,,,in the same way the child gets on that bike and peddles(trusting mum and or dad will not let them fall)and that aslong as they take mum or dads advice,that if they keep peddling & do not stop,never ever ever ever stop,when fear kicks in,,do not stop & you will be fine! when in this life,you feel more like your walking threw hell,,do not stop,keep walking,,just cos you can not see the light at the end of the tunnel,,,it is there,,,but it will never come find you,,,but it will meet you half way,,but you must take that first step.............keep going,keep walking,,do not stop,,EVER! YOU BELONG TO THE LAND OF THE LIVING,NOT THE DEAD you may not know were your going or how your going to get there,or were it will lead...but you must keep walking.......... when it comes to letting go,,,ya dont have to let go,,you can still(hopefully)will still love......but you will love unconditionaly this time,just how a parent unconditionaly loves there child,,,,partners cheat,,hurt us,,we stop loving,,,but it doesnt have to be this way,,, you let go for ya own sake,but you will never ever not care about them,,and u shouldnt want to not care about them,,,move on"yes"..hate that person"NO" dont,,not ever... hate is an acid that destroys the vesal its stored in and destroys whomever its pourd onto...."they may have destroyd you"but you know deep down in your heart you dont want to hurt them,,so dont! get hate out of your heart,forgive! love, & let live & then and only then,,,can you begin to the true journey of letting go......... And has for fear,,the one thing that controls every living thing in the universe.....always remember this,,,the only thing you have to fear in this life,is the very feeling of fear itself,,,you are not going to get out of this life alive,so why fear anything in this life............ do you remember your first day at school..or your childs,,how bad u felt..or as a child how scared you were to let go of your mums hand(clung to her for dear life......................................a few month later you insist your parent does not hold your hand,kiss u goodbye in the play ground.. letting go,,and trusting in the unkown,unseeable reasons,rythems & reasons whys,,,,,Is the EXACT same thing! sometimes in life all you will have is yourself,no guidence,,your own ya own sailing threw that storm..the sky will be so dark,u will feel like the stars have abandond you,there is nothing to light ,guide the way! & all you will have is a voice inside,,trust in this voice with all your heart,,it is the voice of your heart,god,love that is guiding you,,to a destination a far of land your un- aware off! the storm didnt just randomly come,,it was SENT!,,,how else could he make u change your course/mind! to STOP you reaching the place u thought and were convinced u belonged & wanted to be,,but that which he knew was no good ,dangerouse for you,,,,,,how else can he alter the course of your life..( the wedding bells & the alter,lie wayyyy tooo close to the grave yard)...for you to see & know were your actualy heading ................HOW?.........by sending a storm....and after any storm,,no matter how long it last,,,there is always calm sees and beutifull blue skys!! and do not judge anyone ever,,,just cos they may be unable to spell the word beutifull,,,does not mean they do not know exactly what it is...& means!
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 13:05:36 +0000

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