UNV Pakistan is very happy to share the best three essays of the - TopicsExpress


UNV Pakistan is very happy to share the best three essays of the recent competition organized by UNV on the occasion of International Volunteer Day 2014. Ranking: Third Place Topic: Peace, Volunteerism and Youth: Perspectives Pakistan by Sana Anum Kashan, Virtual University of Pakistan, Karachi Pakistan came into being in 1947 with great efforts of Muslims who wanted a separate homeland for themselves where they live independently and develop themselves as one of the great nation for that purpose they gave a lot of sacrifices. From 1947 Pakistan make progress in many sectors and many major developments occurred in different fields such as Nuclear, Constitutional, Educational, Technological and Agricultural developments and many others in various sectors .Though Pakistan made progress in different sectors but the progress is slow as they are still in the list of developing countries. Pakistan today is at cross roads with many de-stabilizing flashpoints jeopardizing the peace within. Whilst the peace process with its neighbors is on a firm footing with negotiations and talks at several levels of interaction, the initiatives within the country for interactions are negligible. The problems that create misunderstandings, lack of trust, low acceptance of heterogeneity, violence, terrorism, negative conflict, unbridled greed for material wealth, corruption, and violations of human rights are multiplying. Rights & responsibilities are two sides of a coin, where one asks for his rights, he is bound to practice the responsibilities that are upon him. Citizenship means to work for the nations prosperity. It is said: It doesnt matter how small one is, one can still make a difference. That means we should not see that how small a person is but that his contribution can change the standard of education, health facilities and other aspects of society for a better future. We can see bright future of Pakistan because the major part of its population consists of youth who now wants ‘change’ in the political and the educational System by using the technology for getting maximum theoretical and practical knowledge .Bringing the voice of youth into the development discourse means helping these young people to realize their full social, economic and human potential. Volunteerism is strengthened by trust, solidarity and reciprocity among citizens, and it can transform the pace and nature of country’s development. In this way, volunteerism fosters secure and stable environments conducive to the peaceful resolution of conflict. Luckily, Young people in Pakistan are ever ready and willing to provide leadership and inspiration in global peace. The engagement of youth in global peace and sustainable human development through volunteerism is of great significance .Youth of a nation can do wonders if availed, trained, educated and informed in an optimum fashion. Youth comprises the major portion of the demography in Pakistan. An educated and well informed youth can revive the present state of restlessness in the country. Foremost of all youth should volunteer by an active use of their civic rights like vote, freedom of speech, form groups for certain national interests; attend to conferences, use Internet, avail the press, radio and television, by offering an article or feature in the newspapers, holding press conferences, distributing hand-outs for sharing their particular point of view among others, and should report on the problems facing the nation in an objective manner with responsibility. Students can mobilize by writing to newspapers, participating in media, internet blogs, net communities, and magazines; by pressurizing the authorities to bring those elements answerable to the court of law. A sense of responsibility among all the citizens and among the youth in specific can trigger change towards a tolerant and peaceful society. Pakistan, our much-loved homeland; is passing through challenging times in regard to economic, social and political turmoil. Crime rate is increasing, with a fast depletion of natural resources, deteriorating agriculture and power shortages, with instances of severe human right violation and sufferings of the common man. There are demonstrations and strikes, brutalities and scourge. Consequently, there is a huge responsibility lying on the young generation’s shoulders, towards nation building. To bring the state of affairs back on track the youth has to play its proactive role to help change things for better, and to revive Pakistan’s state of affairs from getting worse .A society built on the needs, wants and demands of its majority populace will be a justice provoking and tolerant one in kind thus resulting in a peaceful society. Patriotism must be the prime concern of every Pakistani. They must shed away ethno-sectarian divisions. Sympathy, sincerity, devotion, commitment, moderation, accommodation and mutual cooperation must be the governing fibers of our social life. As it is said: “White paper and youth can take any color”. Today in Pakistan it is necessary to provide young children with an environment where they get peace education. If this goal is achieved, ethnic and sectarian violence will be removed from amongst us and we will be able to get rid of the stigma of being a violent nation. As Oprah Winfrey said: “Education begins a gentleman, actions complete him. Education enables a person to model his life according to the aims and objectives set forth by the cultural and ideological entity and tells him about his responsibilities to make him punctual to balance his life .They can understand and obey the law of the land and become good citizens to maintain peace. Every civilized society desirous of progress in the modern age gives top most priority to the acquisition of knowledge and spends huge amounts on education in order to curb and eradicate ignorance. Thus, this essay highlights how the contribution of Youth can play a crucial role in positively engaging people from the grass-roots in decision-making processes, ultimately creating space for participation that leads to: stronger governance, social cohesion, peace and sustainable development of the country by setting targets to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women through volunteerism. Last but not least, Pakistan’s youth has miraculous capabilities. Volunteerism of Youth in Pakistan, specially the privileged, educated and well-informed part of the society; through all measures can shun intolerance and help prevail peace and prosperity in the society.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 05:41:42 +0000

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