UPDATE FROM T. Re on-going peaceful demonstrations outside of - TopicsExpress


UPDATE FROM T. Re on-going peaceful demonstrations outside of the Auckland High Court to support Antonio and his children......Calling for JUSTICE FOR BLESSIE. Hi there again everyone..... PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR WEDNESDAY 20TH AUGUST...... 9AM @ Auckland High Court.........(until at the latest, 10.30am) The offender charged with Blessies murder will be making his next appearance....... AND........ it is looking quite possible that on this apppearance he will enter a plea...... If not, it is quite likely that name and past convictions suppressions will be lifted...... (WATCH OUR NATION RE-ACT ONCE HIS PAST IS REVEALED!!!) Antonio has commented on so many occassions how very grateful he is to ALL of the local community for their help and compassion since loosing Blessie......... We have all clearly been a strong leaning post of support for Antonio and his family and for as long as we are needed I have guareenteed Antonio that we will continue to be there for him. PLEASE, along with Antonia, his family, and myself will you join us in our call out to The New Zealand Justice System for JUSTICE TO BE SERVED,,,,,, FOR BLESSIE. Our days go on........ For Antonio and his family the days just get longer without their adored, much loved, and very very missed wife and mother. On this day, I will be, via megaphone, delivering messages from US, THE PEOPLE, THE ORDINARY EVERYDAY MEMBERS OF AOTEAROA NEW ZEALANDS SOCIETY...... I will be delivering them to those that must / need to hear them within the realms of the justice system...... PLEASE....... Add YOUR message to the justice system below in the comments section (keeping it to a maximum of 5 sentences please) and I will make sure that your voice is heard too...... 975 members on this page..... it is with PLEASURE id read that many out. BUT MORE THAN THAT...... if you can be there with us we would very very much appreciate your awhi (love) tautoko (support). POWER IN NUMBERS PEOPLE.... FACE TO FACE WITH A SYSTEM THAT MUST!!! CHANGE..... Haere Mai people...... We hope to see you there. Kia ora. Arohanui. T.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 04:19:34 +0000

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