UPDATE...Michaels latest entry. Blessed By Michael Stewart - TopicsExpress


UPDATE...Michaels latest entry. Blessed By Michael Stewart — Mar 26, 2014 8:22pm It has many names. Montezumas Revenge, The Purge, or as I called it, The Hoschton Quick Step. Whatever the name, weve probably all had an epic stomach bug that destroyed our week or weekend by keeping us anchored close to a bathroom. What most havent experienced is that bug rolled on top of a chemo treatment. Unfortunately, this past session I experienced both at the same time and Ill save you the gory details except to say that I wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. I checked in Thursday for Round 3 of chemo at 186 pounds and when I was forced back to the hospital on Tuesday for 4 hours of IVs, I had lost 12 pounds in 5 days. I looked like Matthew McConaughney in Dallas Buyers Club, but I really felt Dazed and Confused. See what I did there. Outside of the jokes, it was horrible, but after it was over the experience again revealed to me the blessings that are consistently in my life. More times than I can count during the last week I asked God to soothe my sufferings and even though it wasnt immediately, I am reminded that Im on His schedule and that His grace is sufficient. I have a wife that while suffering from the same stomach bug continued to put my health needs over her own. Since the diagnosis, shes never waivered. I dont deserve her and that wont ever change. My mother, father, sister, and in-laws who are in daily prayer for healing and my family. Thankful for family and friends that have helped with our kids, continue to check in on my status and would be there at the drop of a hat when asked. Bucky, AB, Mitchell, Ronnie, and Diddell - guys that check on me and treat me like Im there brother and act like I dont have cancer. Busting my chops, talking sports or whatever. It helps and I could never repay them. Lastly, I couldnt be more blessed to be working for a man and company that I consider family. Their main concern has been my health first and have picked up the slack for me during the last couple of months. There isnt a better boss or colleagues in the world. I could tell you of hundreds of stories, texts, and FB messages, but it still wouldnt cover it. Just know that my family and I appreciate all the prayers and support. This Thursday will be 4 of 8 total treatments and even though the last week was hell, Im encouraged that Ill be half way through my treatments. My hair has thinned, but has been as resilient as its owner and Im looking forward to being cancer free this summer. On a side note, The Masters and UGA G-Day is on the same weekend, so being couch bound wont be so bad.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 01:46:59 +0000

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