UPDATE ON MY DAD…. Well I thought I had posted this update but I - TopicsExpress


UPDATE ON MY DAD…. Well I thought I had posted this update but I guess it never got posted. This update is not a good report im sorry to say. My father has suffered a setback. We usually do not go see him on Sundays becus there is no bus going out there on Sundays they have a very different bus route then weekdays. So on Sunday about 1pm I got a call from the facility my dad is at and the nurse tells me that they had to call an ambulance for my dad becus he was having a hard time breathing, more then usual. And that they were taking him as we spoke. She urged me to find a way to get over there because he was really in distress and she saw him quite sick. So we dropped everything and begin looking for a way to get out there. When we got there we found my father not looking so good they had him on some heavy oxygen. We spoke to the drs and they said that he had suffered a seizure along with some aspiration. They said that when he got there he was basically in a comatose state, he wasn’t responding at all to anything. When we got there a nurse was tending to him and as soon as we came in we begin calling him “dad, dad wake up” and he opened his eyes and saw us and he smiled at us!!! The nurse saw this and said “wow look at that, that’s prob what he needed to see.” he has kept opening and closing his eyes since we been there. The doctors also told us that they had done some lab work on him and that his lab work showed some heart muscle damage which indicated a heart attack as well. They didn’t kno how bad of a heart attack or if whether it really was a heart attack or not they would have to do further lab work and testing on him. They were gonna keep him in ICU to keep an eye on him he said that the first 24 to 48 hrs were critical (but I kno that’s protocal they have to say this) what happened was that he had a seizure and while having the seizure he vomited and since his airway is not working normal some of that vomit went into his lungs which explains him not breathing good. He said that in most stroke cases these seizures are common, they were also gonna check his brain electrolites to see if there were any ongoing seizures happening. Well all this was done yesterday and we still have not heard any results. Late last nite they came and told us that they were gonna do a “Bronchoscopy” today to see if he had any left over vomit or food collected up in his lungs. They would go in with a camera thru his mouth and then wash out any debre in his lungs they would also take a scrape of his lungs to check of any infections. This would be done today they said. Well we didn’t get to go today bcus of the weather and no ride to bus stop! So I been calling and calling to keep updated and they have told me he was fine all morning and then a while ago I called again and they said theyd already done the procedure and he came out fine he was resting she told me not to worry becus I was dieing from guilt not being able to go be with him! And his nurse told me not to worry they would take good care of him and if anything happened theyd call me. Which helped me rest a bit more.ive not received any call since I last called to check on him about a half hr ago so this is good news I suppose, im still dieing! If at any time weve ever needed that white car, its been now! L its been sooo hard on us without a vehicle only God and us know how bad its been. But I still trust in my Lord, He will never leave us nor forsake us and He hasn’t praise to my Lord… So, friends and family, this is my update, I am asking for your continued prayers for my dad. I kno that my Lord is in control of his life, and I kno that I have been claiming healing for him and I kno that I have been waiting for Gods hand to move in my father. We had been starting to see many changes in my dad, changes for the better, he was starting to move his paralyzed leg more, he was starting to mumble a word or two, he was starting to respond and interact with his eyes more and he was starting to acknowledge us being there more and starting to recognize us we believe, he was starting to giggle and laugh a bit. So all these little things were improvements to us. And now this happens, a setback, :’( but I still say GOD YOUR IN CONTROL! And only my Lord knows what he is doing in my fathers life and like ive said I still believe he will be healed! Whether its here in this life or whether its in heaven either way he will be healed!! Just keep him and us as well in your prayers plz we certainly need them for strength. I pray for my Lord to grant me more and more of His Grace to withstand all this. I love you Lord and I thank you for all that you’ve done and all that your doing and all that your gonna continue to do!!! Amen ty everyone for taking time to read this. May God bless you all. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 21:50:12 +0000

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