URGENT Prayer Request Update - Matthew Forey I am posting this - TopicsExpress


URGENT Prayer Request Update - Matthew Forey I am posting this update with the familys permission. Please continue praying, but also giving thanks for the miracle we already have received! Matthew Forey update: On October 30th a CT scan revealed a perforation in Matthews colon leading to him being taken to emergency surgery to remove the colon. Surgery revealed that the colon had been leaking for about a week and could not be safely removed. The surgeon cleaned out Matthews abdomen and inserted drains plus an ileostomy bag to bypass the colon. Family was informed that Matthew might not survive the night much less the weekend. By the grace of God, Matthew is still not only with us, but getting better each day. He got moved from ICU Friday to a private room and is now able to eat small amounts of food. The doctors have called it a miracle. We thank you for your prayers and ask that you continue to keep Matthew lifted in prayer as he sets out on this journey of healing. Please pray that his colon will continue to rest and not flare up from the ulcerative colitis and pray for no more issues with bleeding. The doctors consider Matthew to be stable and are currently working diligently to keep him stable while increasing his protein level and helping him recover from both infection and surgery.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:09:30 +0000

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