US President Barack Obama is a Liar. He must have been compromised - TopicsExpress


US President Barack Obama is a Liar. He must have been compromised and bribed by Nigeria’s President Jonathan. I do not hold this view point alone as I have quite a reasonable company that share this opinion, as well as with other Saints and Change agents that make up the opposition going by Nasir El-rufai’s gospel according to his book – The Accidental Public Servant. Also in our kitty are hordes of reporters to assist in publishing this message lest Nigerians be fooled! How can a whole President Barack Obama of the United States endorse a ‘clueless’ President Jonathan at such a time as this, or doesn’t he read our various sponsored articles in the New York Times? How could he have said this?: “Well, I appreciate very much the opportunity to meet once again with President Jonathan and his delegation. Obviously, Nigeria is one of the most powerful and fastest-growing countries in the world. I think that’s testified by the fact that President Jonathan is going to have the opportunity to ring the bell at the New York Stock Exchange. I think it signifies how important Nigeria is becoming in the global economy.” ~ Barack Obama. September 23, 2013 We have no doubt that Barack Obama is a liar and an agent of the PDP knowing so well that he must have secured Billion Dollars Oil Contracts to have issued this statement. Forget about Shale Oil. Ain’t Nothing as Sweet as Bonny Light! Just maybe, just maybe Obama simply empathizes with his brother in persecution, from a common ethnic minority stock, or could it be that he realized that it took Goodluck for him to have been given a Second term mandate to run America? His long shielded ‘anti-progressive’ stance and ‘islamaphobia’ cannot be contended now, otherwise how else will he permit such an archaic and biased post on General Buhari’s tenure as Nigeria’s Head of State be allowed on (the US Department of State website). Just look, see that! Shior…the bias of whoever is responsible for this; “On December 31, 1983 Second Republic Gen. Muhammadu Buhari emerged as the leader of the Supreme Military Council (SMC), the country’s new ruling body. He charged the civilian government with economic mismanagement, widespread corruption, election fraud, and a general lack of concern for the problems of Nigerians. He also pledged to restore prosperity to Nigeria and to return the government to civilian rule but proved unable to deal with Nigeria’s severe economic problems. The Buhari government was peacefully overthrown by the SMC’s third-ranking member, Army Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, in August 1985.” - (US Government Department of State, Nigeria Background Note on Nigeria’s Second Republic) It is disheartening that a man of Barack Obama’s reputation will allow himself to be heavily compromised by that boy from Otuoke and adopt a partisan stance in Foreign relations, little wonder he has ordered his boy and chief strategist David Axelrod to pull out of the Public Relations contract our party (APC) hurriedly ‘gave’ his AKPD Messaging company without negotiations, imagine! We are not blind to the fact that Lanny Davis, another Obama advisor and democrat strategist has been sent to Abuja to help counter our PR offensive at quite a bargain for such huge talent. President Obama should not think he will be allowed to go far with this endorsement of President Jonathan’s transformation of our Economy lest Reuben Abati should rejoice and taunt us harder with more of those his annoying Jonathanian memes all over Social Media. Only recently, Bill gates also lost his conscience and ‘progressive’ badge by endorsing Jonathan’s reforms particularly Nigeria’s Polio Eradication efforts as follows; “One of my favorite stories of 2014; in just one year, Nigeria went from 50 polio cases to 6.” Our Party APC is equal to the task as we have engaged fellow American and a known Obama opponent Senator John McCain, whose similarity with our candidate General Buhari makes him a perfect spokesman for our party and he will assist us in amplifying what remains the only and major issue of our campaign, the abducted girls. Here is what the old man has to say: “if they knew where they were, I certainly would send in US troops to rescue them, in a New York minute I would, without permission of the host country, I wouldn’t be waiting for some kind of permission from some guy called Goodluck Jonathan” The supporters of our progressive party, APC should remain unpersuaded in the light of these unfortunate circumstances. Elsewhere, the writer is waiting for Lai Mohammed to sign this press release. Culled from
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 14:28:52 +0000

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