US President Barack Obama’s indecisive foreign policy is showing - TopicsExpress


US President Barack Obama’s indecisive foreign policy is showing that he is easily manipulated and lacks the conviction or the fortitude to stand up to the establishment’s war machine, an international lawyer and political commentator says. “Increasingly, it’s looking like, despite his best efforts, President Obama is being manipulated and played by neocon elements, hawks and ‘ziopatic’ moles within the establishment who are themselves for the most part beholding to various special interests. “Increasingly, it’s looking like Obama is finding himself on the back foot as, worried about his legacy, he chooses to be a slave to public opinion carefully manipulated with fabricated intelligence and a mainstream, corporate media which long ago stopped concerning itself both with reality and with ‘right and wrong’. “He was played in the Ukraine. He was played on GITMO. He was played on his policy of withdrawal from Iraq. He was stampeded into his new policy on Syria, entirely on the strength of staged ISIS videos sold to the security apparatus by a two-bit Israeli shyster posing as a private intelligence contractor. “Much to the joy of America’s Defense Industry contractors and to Israel, the United States is now not only back in Iraq but has also done a complete 180 on Obama’s 2013 policy regarding bombing Syria. “GITMO is still going strong. “The drone war rages on despite Obama’s attempt to wrest control of the fleet from the CIA and micromanage its operation from the White House through the State Department. “In the lead up to Israel’s election, Obama found himself in a position to actually take a stand against [Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu and his government’s policies. It looked like he won the first few rounds and even left AIPAC [the American Israel Public Affairs Committee] red faced as he rightly opposed further sanctions on Iran. “But all we have seen that in the long run, Obama simply doesn’t have the conviction or the fortitude to stand up to the special interests -- the special interests which drive US foreign policy. “Americas approach to foreign policy has become like a circus of the absurd. It is like a dying man treating his cancer by using a machete hack a benign tumor from his neighbor’s chest. “A persons contribution to public affairs should never exceed their capacity for critical self-examination. And Obama presidency has become a violation of that axiom. “My view is that President Obama is only a man of words. He has lost control of his own foreign policy. First he was duped and he is now being played hoisted on his own petard, as they say. I dont see any easy way out but it of this catastrophe for him. “Like the drone war, he thought he could micromanage his new war policy with Syria, but it’s managing him. He thought he could bring peace to Palestine, but in reality he can hardly mention the word ‘Palestinian’ with wrapping it up in tributes to Israel and its so-called right to self-defense.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 02:59:58 +0000

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