US foreign policy could lead to Third World War: Former Senate - TopicsExpress


US foreign policy could lead to Third World War: Former Senate candidate Wed Aug 7, 2013 6:25PM GMT 11 185 42 Download | Embed Former US Senate candidate Mark Dankof said that the “reckless foreign policy” of the United States could lead to a Third World War. He made the remarks as tensions continue to rise between Washington and Moscow over US leaker Edward Snowden. “The Obama administration needs to be less concerned about Mr. Snowden and quite a bit more concerned about its own administration’s attacks on the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights of this country and its ongoing participation in a reckless foreign policy with Israel that could very well lead to a Third World War,” he told Press TV on Wednesday. On Wednesday, the White House announced that President Barack Obama canceled his plans to meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in September. The decision was made after Moscow granted asylum to Snowden, who is charged with espionage for leaking US government spying programs. The US president on Tuesday said that he was "disappointed" by Moscow’s decision to harbor the American whistleblower. Dankof said that in addition to running domestic surveillance programs to sweep up phone and Internet data on US citizens, the National Security Agency (NSA) has cooperated with Israel to create Stuxnet virus to attack Iranian nuclear centrifuges. “We are getting a much better picture of what’s been going on with the NSA for quite some period of time as a result of Mr. Snowden’s revelations,” he said. “There is an emerging global consensus that is shared by many Americans domestically in the United States that we have both at the NSA specifically and the American national security establishment generally, a rogue element that needs to be stopped.” The NSA’s global surveillance programs as revealed by Snowden also include spying on America’s European allies, in particular Germany, as well as some Latin American states. AGB/HJ
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 01:40:28 +0000

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