USING THE LAW OF ATTRACTION... The Law of Attraction is the most - TopicsExpress


USING THE LAW OF ATTRACTION... The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe. And, just like gravity, it is always operating whether you are aware of it or not. Simply put, the Law of Attraction says that you will attract into your life whatever you focus on. Whatever you give your energy and attention to will be magnetized to you. This means whatever you think about, talk about, read about, watch on television, listen to on the radio, worry about, fantasize about, and feel strongly about, you will attract more of it into your life. Therefore, if you stay focused on all the good and positive things in your life, you will automatically draw to yourself more good and positive things. Likewise, if you focus on lack and negativity, then that is what you will draw to yourself. How can you use the “Law of Attraction” to enhance our life? The key to utilizing the Law of Attraction is to constantly focus on, talk about, visualize, and expect to receive that which you want-not what you don’t want. To use this Law to your benefit, you have to quit talking about your unwanted current reality and do two things instead: 1) Appreciate and celebrate that which you already have; and 2) Focus on, talk about, believe, visualize, affirm, and expect that all you desire is already on its way to you. Maintain a constant focus on your vision. Keep your eye and your conversation on what you are already grateful for and what you are creating. Get started today... Take time to clarify exactly what you want in every area of your life without limiting yourself by worrying about how you are going to get it. Then write a vivid and complete “ideal scene” of what it will look, sounds, and feel like when you actually have it. Do this for every aspect of your ideal vision-job and career, finances, health and fitness, relationships, fun and recreation, possessions, personal and spiritual growth, and the contribution you want to make to the world. Next: Create a vision board-either in the form of a vision book or a screen saver-that contains visual images of your vision already manifested. Take time every day to close your eyes and visualize each ideal scene as already complete, and, most importantly, to feel the feelings you would feel if you had already achieved this dream or a desire. Next: Release your request to the universe. Trust that you are now attracting the ideas, people, resources, money, and opportunities will start coming into your awareness. Pay attention to them. The Next Step: Is to begin taking action on the creative impulses you receive. For example, if you want to be a doctor, the obvious actions are to study anatomy, biology, and biochemistry, apply to medical school, and so on. Inspired actions, on the other hand, arise from your intuition, during meditation, or occur to you as sudden impulses that have a deep feeling of rightness to them. An example might be that one afternoon you get this overwhelming urge to take some goodies to the elderly woman who lives down the street who always treated you kindly when you were a kid, so you do. When she invites you into her house, she introduces you to her nephew who is visiting, and he turns out to be the Dean of a Medical School. Finally: To fully utilize the law of Attraction in your life, you have to become a vibrational match with whatever it is you want to attract into your life. This means creating and maintaining an emotional state that matches the one you will experience when you actually get the thing you are focusing on. If your goal is to be rich, you need to focus on feeling abundant now. You can do this by appreciating what you already have, and continually finding more and more things to be grateful for. You can do it by being generous with what you already have. Most importantly, you do it by thinking abundant thoughts and feeling rich right now. If your desire is to attract your soulmate into your life, start feeling happy about the relationships that you already enjoy. Act as if you are already loved and adored. Pamper yourself. Buy yourself flowers. Clean up your house or apartment the way you would if you were expecting company. Bring closure to your past relationships by forgiving any hurts and appreciating all the good things that you experienced. Let go of any resentments, guilt, or hurt you might be carrying from the past. Find appreciation for the lessons you’ve learned from previous lovers so that you can be free of the past and live in genuine state of positive excitement about the future. Till Next Time Be All You Can Be Patrick Wright Email:aneasylife4u@gmail ... .. .
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 19:27:23 +0000

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