Ugh.. so heres my rant, and then we can all relax and enjoy - TopicsExpress


Ugh.. so heres my rant, and then we can all relax and enjoy Christmas. I generally try to keep my opinions to myself unless asked for because I prefer to avoid conflict... but heres the thing. I know I have atheist friends and I respect them, but Christmas is a religious holiday. There. I said it. Same goes for Easter. If you want to choose not to believe in the religious aspect and just celebrate in your own way - go for it! The more the merrier!! All I ask is that people respect the origins and historical significance of these holidays and where they came from. I would do the same for my Jewish or Muslim friends. If I wanted to celebrate Hanukkah or partake in Ramadan, I feel it would be my right to do so... but first I would appreciate why these religious traditions are celebrated and respect it. I only ask the same for Christians. You cannot have Christmas without the birth of Jesus. Whether you believe he was our Saviour, just a prophet, just a man, or non-existent (thats a far fetch in my opinion)... the fact remains that Christmas originated with Him. So in my opinion, in public spaces, you cannot remove the nativity in order to be inclusive but still keep your holiday trees standing. If you choose not to acknowledge the nativity in your own home - absolutely okay!! Im not saying that everyone has to have a display of the nativity - Im saying its wrong to feel pressured to NOT have it displayed. Same goes for the prophet Muhammad, or Buddha or the Flying Spaghetti Monster (yes, its a thing.. but you have to wear a strainer as a hat - no thanks). If the symbols for these other religions were displayed, I would appreciate and respect them - not feel threatened or feel they were pushing their religion on me. Maybe thats what we should do?? Rather than removing traditions in order to be inclusive, maybe we should be INCLUDING more! I dont have an answer for my atheist friends unfortunately. Religion is a part of society all over the world and its not going away anytime soon. But if you have a holiday tree, share gifts, celebrate Santa and the Easter bunny - then maybe you can tolerate my nativity? And I know many of you do and I appreciate it. Hope I didnt offend anyone (remember, I dont like conflict but am open to discussion) Merry Christmas! I love you all, which is most important in this silly world of ours
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 17:43:28 +0000

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