Um heimildir og minningar um það sem hefur gerst. Áhugaverðar - TopicsExpress


Um heimildir og minningar um það sem hefur gerst. Áhugaverðar pælingar. Hingað til hafa á Íslandi bæði verið varðveitt opinber gögn og einkaskjalasöfn sem gefa oft aðra sýn á veruleika og atburði en opinber skjöl. Nú fer einkaskjalasöfnum á pappír fækkandi og ólíklegt er að rafræn einkaskjalasöfn varðveitist í sama mæli. Hvert er ykkar álit? ,,At a technical level, man’s capacity for memory is greater than any previous age and our ability to gather and share memories changes the way we live. Our new relationship with memory has political consequences. In the past, memory, especially public memory, was monopolized by, but not fully controlled, by the state. The state had the resources to sustain archives or provide the official story on events. Personal or private memories still existed but they were often difficult to sustain beyond a generation. In the past, those seeking to challenge the official memory faced a daunting task. Invariably, they lacked the skills or the financial resources to challenge the state or the official history. If they had the skills or the resources, they were often denied access to the relevant documents. Where they were allowed to access documents, they were only those approved for release. "
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 10:37:52 +0000

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