Unacceptable. Completely unacceptable. These guys were far too - TopicsExpress


Unacceptable. Completely unacceptable. These guys were far too concerned about whether or not their cameras were on and that they got that last dock than they were about altitude awareness. I know all of you are thinking that you would never let this happen to you, but Im pretty sure when these guys were going through training they were thinking the same thing. What is it about getting a skydiving license that makes people do stupid things? We create in ourselves a false idea that just because we are no longer on student status that somehow we are capable of things that we are not yet capable of. I see too many people trying to fly cameras without having 200 jumps (more importantly not seeking guidance from an experienced camera flyer), or going out and freeflying basically right out of STP without having any understanding of the safety implications, or practicing swooping with no guidance or experience whatsoever, or trying to angle fly when they barely know how to track. They get so offended when someone even remotely suggests that they are stepping outside of their bounds. Then, when a close call occurs, they say, Well, at least nobody was killed! Like that somehow justifies stupid behavior? Because its gonna take someone getting killed before someone starts making smart decisions? The fact of the matter is this: getting your A-license is like getting your drivers license. Having a basic drivers license doesnt give you authority under the law to operate heavy equipment, or drive a commercial vehicle. The license itself only shows others that you, through testing and demonstration, understand the minimum requirements to safely skydive by yourself or with others. Dont take the training wheels off your bike and expect to ride in the Tour De France the next day...and dont be like these guys.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 12:43:37 +0000

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