Understanding the Demands of Success The Demand of - TopicsExpress


Understanding the Demands of Success The Demand of Discipline You are ordained to reflect the life of God and you shall not end your journey as a failure but rather as an eternal Excellency and the joy many generations. By good success we mean obtaining results in succession, achieving desired goals or making satisfactory progress. Understand that success is not a destination but a journey. It requires constant improvement but you dont need any effort to fail and be a failure in Life. Failure is not final because the pain of yesterdays Failure is what stirred some to undertake the journey of success today. Good success in Life has spiritual root just as failure also has a spiritual root but the good news is that the spirit of failure can be defeated. What does it mean to fail? > To fail short or below the approved standard or mark > It is falling below Gods standard or expectations for your life. Life is series of test and rewards and failing an event is not final. Accepting or personalizing a failed event is what eventually makes one a failure in life - Abraham Lincoln was an example of a man who failed severally but was never a failure. Jonah failed but was not a failure, Rehab failed but was not a failure, even Abraham failed but was not a failure, but Achan failed and ended up a failure. Discipline is one of the universal principles of success that stems the tide of failure. > It begins with possessing a sense of mission in the pursuit of any task > It is operating as commanded and not as convenient > It is about setting order to ones life pursuit > It is entails running a specific purpose with a time tag or a corresponding action. A disciplined lifestyle helps you to make the most of your time. It carries the ability to bring oneself under control, delay gratification or deny gratification. No indiscipline man has a future because discipline is the prize of greatness. Discipline can be conditioned upon but it will not always endure, but self discipline is being a law to ones self in a bid to accomplish a desired goal whether people are there or not. The lack of self discipline or restraint willoften leads to public disgrace and defeat. It takes discipline to emerge a champion but it takes much more discipline to remain a champion. There is the discipline of time, talk, sleep, food etc. The untimely death of Alexander the great whose empire spanned three continents as he conquered by discipline but was brought by indiscipline is a lesion in history for all to learn. Agent of Failure- Indiscipline One of the principal forces of failure in life and business is indiscipline. Indiscipline is the lack of proper management of life and resources. It is the principal reason for many terminal sicknesses and frustrations. Indiscipline incapacitates a man and can also destroy a glorious destiny. Until a mans life is ordered/ conditioned by certain godly principle he/she has no future as he will end up a waster in life. Order is the first law of progress, advancement in life. Evidence of Indiscipline. Indiscipline in life manifests through the following avenues among several others: Disorderliness A disorderliness individual does not know how to delay or deny self gratification. Many are victims of this demon and it has corrupted their destinies. Esau was a victim, David was a victim but Joseph escaped it. A disorderly man does not exhibit a good sense of value neither does he priorities his options. He lives for the present and never futuristic. Lack of Respect constituted authority. This is what leads to rebellion and many are also victims of this subtle destroyer of destiny. It can manifest as a reactions against authority or circumvention of authority. No one that despises authority ever end up an authority figure in Life because the candle stick of the hypocrite shall not shine Slothfulness/procrastination Laziness has robbed many of success. It is over indulgence of flesh. A slothful man is given to procrastination, he forgets that sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. Your true worth in life is a function of quality investments of your time. Time is life and time wasted is life wasted. Failure is a process but it is not final because it can be reversed when confronted with the right tool. Discover The Amazing Money Making Website Where I Make $200 Within 24 Hour. tinyurl/ls8p233
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 20:33:14 +0000

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