Unfair Standards Of Masculinity? Any man who does not take - TopicsExpress


Unfair Standards Of Masculinity? Any man who does not take care of his Family, be the spiritual head and fails to protect them from seen and unseen enemies is NOT A MAN! If your wife is the IGP, who will protect who? If your wife has a calling to be a Bishop in the church and your passion is to be a soldier and fight for your country, can you still be her spiritual head? Why all these undue pressure on men to be “men? When men don’t act man enough, their girlfriends, friends, concubines, and families can disapprove. The pressure can be devastating. Our grandmothers hardly faced our fathers with charges of you are not man enough! Who born am? Each man had his portion of farm land and if they needed more hands to work in them, they took extra wives and had many more children. I think, the truth is that some of the expectations of manhood are unrealistic and are only exacerbated by a broken economy. Is being a man about your ability to provide for another human being with two legs and two hands who, by the way, may be more intelligent, more resourceful and even more talented than you because you married them? Or should women no longer aspire to be better than their peers- male and female- simply because of marriage? My question today is: what makes a man a man? Thanks (MIU, July
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 13:00:38 +0000

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