Unforgiveness Stops Healing! Yesterday evening ,after speaking - TopicsExpress


Unforgiveness Stops Healing! Yesterday evening ,after speaking at conference I invited the people forward for prayer and a woman ran up to be first in line. She started by listing off a huge amount of illnesses and said she was in pain and sick a lot. I placed my hands on her and prayed over her for a few minutes and sensed that there was nothing happening at all in response to my prayers. I stopped praying and asked the Lord what was going on and He told me that the woman had unforgiveness for her ex-husband and 2 other people from her past. I told her what I felt the Holy spirit had told me, and asked her if she agreed. She said she did, but couldn’t forgive any of these people for what they had done to her. I explained to her briefly about what it means to make a decision to forgive someone even when we don’t “feel” like it, or even when they don’t “deserve” it in our eyes and how the Lord can and will supernaturaly empower us by the Holy Spirit to do this. I also reminded her that Jesus chooses to forgive us, and we don’t deserve it either. I asked her to go stand off to the side for a while and pray about it. About an hour later she came back through the line again and told me that she had made the decision to forgive these people and had turned the situation over to the Lord. I just began to pray and hadn’t even touched her when the Power of God knocked her to the floor. When she got back up minutes later she exclaimed that all of her pain was gone now! God speaks clearly about unforgiveness in the Bible and we need to heed His words for our own well being, spirtitually and physically!! AMEN!!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:03:00 +0000

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