Unity is strength . Why Im standing for the General secretarys - TopicsExpress


Unity is strength . Why Im standing for the General secretarys position I believe Im the Unity candidate .I have proven that I treat all members of the RMT with equal respect .I refuse to take the easy way out when theres a dispute and argue that all grades should stand together to win. I am also approachable and draw support from people across the political spectrum who know that they will be listened to. Im the current assistant General Secretary responsible for London Underground and all the train operating companies in England ,Scotland and Wales. I have negotiated inflation busting pay deals even during the recession for tens of thousands of RMT members whilst I was a regional organiser. I work extremely hard to help you defend and enhance Your terms and conditions. We must do even more as a union to embrace our seafarer ,road transport,offshore worker, bus workers ,cleaner ,caterer and ancillary grades who often feel neglected .We must make it clear that their interests are being fought for just as much and devote energy and time to organising for this purpose. I passionately believe in an organising union which empowers workers through industrial strength and the best possible training for reps activists and members. I strongly support the Union Learning project which allows our members access to education that enhances us collectively as well as them personally. I have very definite goals .We must continue to build our union to not only recruit but also organise our future members developing and supporting representatives. We must also be prepared to use our industrial strength to fight proposed job losses and to keep winning pay rises and improving our conditions at work. We must oppose all casualization and roll back that which exists in the transport industry. Our legacy for future generations must be decent jobs not minimum wage zero hours contracts. Generations of workers have fought for us to enjoy decent pay, holiday, sickpay and pensions working class kids are relying on us to continue this proud tradition. I believe I am the person best fitted to achieve the Unity ,growth and militancy of our union whilst also encouraging the grass roots member to be come more involved. If elected I will always remember that I am there to serve the members and to listen to their opinions before a course of action is decided upon . I am not standing for personal gain and will donate my pay rise to the RMT disputes fund if elected ,just as I have already done each yeah with the pay rise for winning the Assistant General Secretarys election. Politically I believe we have been abandoned by the New Labour Party and need to support candidates that support us as trade unionists and working class people in general. Bob Crow was a keen supporter of No 2 EU and the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition .He saw the danger of an unelected Bureaucracy in Brussels effectively banning any chance of rail Re-Nationalisation here bypassing bills such at the 4th rail package .Bob also recognised that the New Labour Party no longer fights on our behalf ,imposing cuts at local council level and promising to continue cutting our services if .We must recognise that the Labour Party is not the party that our forefathers and mothers in the N.U.R. helped set up and we must build an alternative. I will continue to support candidates who will fight for our interests if elected. The RMT must continue to build fraternal links with workers not only in Europe but Internationally . Increasing Globalisation means Capital organises across borders and we must gain allies in other counties too to avoid a race to the bottom in pay and conditions. In Britain we need to play a key role in the TUC encouraging democracy and organising workers whilst opposing the bureaucrats who attempt to stifle action . Our union is at a cross roads we can either build on the firm foundations that Bob Crow left us as ,an organising ,militant democratic organisation with an independent political voice or we can retreat to become a less militant body that will falling back into the Labour Party afraid to take action in case we rocked the boat of New Labour politicians. I therefore Respectfully ask for Your support to maintain and enhance the organisation you own and make it one that can influence the union movement in Britain and Internationally.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 22:21:58 +0000

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