Up to Dario this one, if it was left to me I would be deleting - TopicsExpress


Up to Dario this one, if it was left to me I would be deleting quite a few posts that should have been posted straight to the Jettos Cage Fight Club from the outset, so as members here could get on with gardening discussions and not all about ME philosophies and the world according to.... But hey I only created the site, so perhaps someone may like to ask ME sometime what the site is actually about instead of speculating.... In the meantime I have decided to have a melt- down you can all be entertained by.... And boy hasnt the site indeed expanded since the early days of my initial description (story as outlined yet again in the Welcome Doc- no -one- ever -reads, and the heading, which was the original description BEFORE anyone joined and it was private) and gentle intention to help encourage people into growing their own food and showing what might be achieved in the average backyard since that is what the majority have, not acreage... but welcoming of acreage also as we grew..... And we have been out a bit so unable to follow all the posts -amazingly we have actually got to be out instead of spending every week showing other people the garden and answering questions, for a change.... Yes I am in a BAD MOOD..... And some days I wake up and no longer recognise this site. The site, is about FOOD. And its about helping people -no matter what level of information you possess- so if you cannot see it in your heart to offer your knowledge and thoughts freely you should not be here, there are already far too many who takers who give nothing back in the world as it is.... The details and focus are outlined gently in the Welcome Doc- no -one -ever -reads,so I am happy and accepting that people have any view they wish, so long as they accept the parametters they said they would when joining and immediately forgot about. And have a few manners, like not swearing or name calling, that is becoming so endemic in todays world that hardly anyone can construct a sentence without cutting it in little bits with medieval words they no longer understand the original meaning of, and abbrieviations 4 sets of generations will each interpret differently so that No ONE ever actually understands them and we all then have to ask anyway.... oh and all the political brainwashing bollocks the welcome doc asks you to refrain from that I am beginning to realise people are already so drawn into they dont even know they are doing it.....And the arrogance of the self styled learned, many of whom have over the years quietly -and in the case of a few almost perpetually quietly- taken much from this site as information and usage for themselves, a little more on the whole than they have put back methinks...On the other hand I do thank the majority who have given freely of their time and insights. Just try typing in English, believe me it is an excellent means of communication....and keep posts to the point OUT OF COURTESY to others, due to the volume of traffic we all have... Hmmm anything else? I could go on and on but it might become a monologue and I think I covered that one also in the Welcome Doc....sigh... There were no meat posts in the earlier days of this site because we do not raise and breed our own animals for meat. There were no fish posts because apart from some pigmy perch we don’t breed and eat our own fish. Its that simple. Or certainly seemed so in the beginning… Meat /fish etc are part of most human diets, pure and simple and always have been. They are a small part. The site generally reflects that since the majority of posts concern fruit and veg, just like the varied human diet over the eons. Since this site has expanded to embrace more than our own family it must also embrace those who rear animals, fish, crustaceans, insects and anything else that people rear to eat or forage for. No matter WHAT any ones personal philosophy, mental gyrations, affiliations and leanings, if meat, fish, eggs, dairy, fruit, veg or nuts etc are discussed on here then they will be discussed in their entire normality, just as people have, for thousands of years..... In that way we hope to keep everyone in touch with the world as it was, and still is, in reality. For we are all losing touch and drowning in a sea of personal political ideologies, but there is still a very real world out there. Anyone who does not wish to be on Jettos and cannot accept its limitations, should leave. Everything in Life is a choice. Please do so quietly and discreetly the way people once did these things, as I have a headache from all the screeching....
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 02:18:15 +0000

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