Update 2 The Lord knows the beginning from the end... He knew - TopicsExpress


Update 2 The Lord knows the beginning from the end... He knew we would need the time in the van for impromptu rehearsals, thats for sure! And thats what we did, 2800km and 3 days of constant revision and singing in preparation for our boot camp in Lancaster, England. Chip Riley (Grain Game) once told me, the only way he has learned any of the most difficult language in the world, Hungarian, is because of.... repetition, repetition and more repetition. Thats certainly the method we employed on the journey over. The team are fantastic. We have a great mix of young blood in the group. 5 of the guys have never travelled in the UK, and 4 of them have never travelled before at all! Thats can be a good thing though. It means we get to start on a blank canvas and move forward in the way we mean to go on. Let me introduce the team to you in case we wont see you on this tour. Adi & Tabita Muscan - You surely know of Adi and Tabi? They are the foundation of this team, from music directors to general touring guru’s they are the ones holding the team together. They along with myself are the only full-time Friendship International staff. Cristina Moloci - Cristina has travelled with us in the states before singing soprano. She has an amazing solo voice and is taking care of a few of our solo parts in the program. She brings a gentle sweet spirit to the team and that come across on the stage. This is her first time traveling with ANS in the UK. Sarah & Salomea Handaric - These two sisters come from my home church in Romania, Harvest Metanoia. They are fantastic all-rounders. They always bring energy and joy into whatever they do. I’m calling them our very own ‘Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston’ duet... you’ll need to join us in concert to see what i mean. They’re Joy in the Lord is infectious and it comes across clearly from on stage. Benjamin Condoros - Beni come’s from Adi’s home church and actually grew up under Adi & Tabi’s leadership when he was in Sunday school. He is our star tenor on this tour, but Beni’s real gifting is in his clarinet skills. His accent is so good for down here in England, people are mistaking him for a local. Casi Fizidian - Every team needs someone to bring in the laughter and fun... Casi is our guy. He always finds the funny side of every situation and he is helping to keep spirits high in the team. Casi is a major football fan and even got the chance to enjoy a private tour of ‘Old Trafford’ on this tour so far! So when he’s happy, were all happy! God knows what He’s doing when he puts our teams together, and this time is no exception. We were welcomed to Lancaster by some of the most wonderfully hospitable people in England. All preparations were made, and our first concert passed by before we realized. The Lord really worked during our meeting there though, there has been a team raised up who will work with kids this summer since our visit, many people responded to our program and shared with us afterwards how God had been speaking to them during the service. Thats what really makes us excited, seeing God work through us for His glory! Thats the biggest privilege we have in doing what we do, we get to see people touched and impacted as they experience the Holy spirit touching them. Pray for the church in Lancaster, and for Emilian the pastor, they are doing an amazing work and we want God to continue tying the bonds of partnership between us. Lymm baptist church is always a special place for us to visit. Not only is there family there, but there is always such a warm embrace. The Lord really met with us during our evening service, again we saw people respond by sharing with us and praying with us afterwards. We even had the opportunity to spend the following afternoon ministering to some elderly folks in a local care home. That was a special afternoon singing old hymns and encouraging some weary and lonely people. You will have heard of the welsh revival? Well back in 1870 a Welsh man left Wales for Korea, he took the Gospel there but was martyred for his faith. He never saw any fruit of his labour. Almost 40 years later the Holy spirit began the fire of revival in Wales which saw it spread in 1905 over to Los angles in the states and then onto India in 1906 and then onto Korea in 1907 which saw over a million people come to know the Lord Jesus as their savior, the fire of revival started in the same place that the original Welsh missionary was martyred for his faith! We had the privilege of doing a concert in the church where the Welsh revival began, where they were baptizing over 160 people at a time back in 1904. Guess who is the pastor of that church now? An amazing spirit-filled man from Korea. Peter Cho, the pastor, came to the UK when he was 20 years old, met the Lord in London and ultimately came to pastor this church in Wales... It really is the most bizarre story, but God knows the beginning from the end. So we find ourselves on stage praying for an outpouring of the spirit during our time together, we’re praying for revival. Its not about the numbers who respond, but the work the Holy spirit is doing in the lives of those who do. There are amazing testimonies from that Tuesday night that i would love to share with you some time, but pray for that church and the work of brother Peter there. I believe revival is coming again, but we need to pray! Pray for us as we continue. We are excited and God is moving... we just want to be faithful to what He has called us to do and make sure everywhere we go, eyes and hearts are pointed towards Jesus!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 09:12:52 +0000

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