Update Day 70/41 - Mom was still very quiet today and had a hard - TopicsExpress


Update Day 70/41 - Mom was still very quiet today and had a hard time focusing - but ate lunch well mostly by herself and moved to a new wheelchair after lunch that isnt a tilt one. They tried this a couple weekend ago but she would slide out - the couple of hours I was there when she was in it she did well. Her PT said she has pushers syndrome (I think that is what they called it) where she is always pushing back - so the last couple of days they havent been walking her - they have been standing her and having her reach for things in front of her to help her balance and not push back. They changed her toileting schedule to every 2 hours instead of every 4 which made me happy. I was very pleased at how easily they agreed to change it. I love her new room - it is so much bigger and set up differently so getting in and out of the bathroom is easier. Dad and I went over some questions he has for QLI, took care of some other mail things I needed him for, and had lunch together. We went to Valentinos - Shorty Beerman has him addicted I think - and Stacy M Settgast they didnt have that cinnamon/oatmeal stuff by the ice cream - I was so disappointing! I didnt stay as late as planned because Julia wanted me to pick her up from track and even though I am going back in 48 hours it was still hard to leave. I received a call today from Shayla, one of the women who were there when mom was found in her van. She donated massages at moms benefit at Michaels Cantina and I was one of the winners. Crazy - huh? She told me everything she remembered from that day - she was in Woodland Park picking up her kids from daycare and was taking them to the park. She walked me through step by step what happened and I was instantly taken back to that day. How scared she was - how my mom looked - I cant express how thankful I am that God put these women near my mom at this time so they could save her life. I needed that phone call today - not because I won - but because I needed to be reminded how far my mom has come. Its hard when her progress is slow and the light at the end of the tunnel is so very dim - but one call with a woman I havent even met yet - and who didnt even know my mom - stopped what she was doing and put everything in to helping my mom - the concern in her voice - stopped me in my tracks today. It reassured me once again that my mom is not done yet. She still has mountains to climb and thanks to the women who found her and the the amazing doctors and nurses at UNMC we still have my mom - and she still has a long ways to go - but my faith grew this afternoon when I am reminded where she started and just how far she has come. Thank you, Shayla - for your call - you will never know how much it meant to me and how badly I needed to hear your story today. Ok - so that is jumbled and may not make sense - it was hard not to cry on the phone with her - and now the tears are coming - I just cant express how much what everyone has done for us in the past 71 days means to me. I am in awe of everyones compassion and generosity - countless hours of prayers coming from all over, all of the visitors, the cards for my parents - and for all that my friends have done for my family and myself while I was gone for the first 21 days - thank you all! Tonight I thought of you all as I placed all the pictures that have been taken of mom since day one in an album to have at her benefit.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 01:55:00 +0000

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