Update on Cooper post surgery. On Saturday afternoon when we - TopicsExpress


Update on Cooper post surgery. On Saturday afternoon when we should have been on or way home, Coopers health started rapidly deteriorating. Surgeons, the gastro, doctors, many nurses etc were needed to try and figure out what was going on. He was in extreme pain and grunting, struggling to breathe, turning paler before our eyes, stopped moving completely, and then his stomach swelled up to three times its normal size. It was terrifying. He was rushed in for tests on Saturday afternoon, and they discovered that the peg (feeding tube placed) had a leak, and instead of everything being fed through it into his stomach, it was instead filling his abdominal cavity. He was rushed in for abdominal surgery at 9pm to basically have his insides washed and flushed out. These were the worst 4 hours of my life. Just Lucan and I in the middle of the night in the parents waiting room sitting in silence, no one else around, listening for the footsteps of the surgeon to tell us the result. At 1am they took Cooper from surgery into the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, and the following had been done- he had monitors for every vital sign, a PICC line in his arm (meaning that he can only be fed through a vein), there were two punctures on either side of the belly button, and his belly button itself, where they went in for surgery, they changed his peg for a button feeding tube whilst under general, his whole left hand was filled with a drip with points for anti-biotics, pain relief, sedation etc. He also has the button and an NG tube (ahhh!) draining the bile from his stomach, as his stomach and bowels are not working. They have not worked since the initial surgery. Now three days later Cooper has been moved to our room in the ward, still on all of his monitors and equipment. His pain seems to be under better control with a large continuous dose of strong pain killers, theyve been able to stop the sedatives, theyre about to give him another cannula on the other hand (so both arms will then be restricted) for regular blood tests and more medicine, theyre continuing to test blood to make sure nothing too sinister made its way into his blood, or the fluid in his abdomen. He also has a blood nose and huge discomfort from the NG tube, which is three times the size of what he had previously. At this stage were sitting back helpless waiting for his gut to start working and to make sure he doesnt spike any serious fevers. Im not sure if Ive missed telling you anything as were seriously struggling from lack of sleep, 24 hours a day a nurse makes at least three trips to our room, we are also visited by paeds, doctors, pain relief team, pharmacists, surgeons, pathologists all day long too. Safe to say were heartbroken seeing him battling again, it is so unfair. Please keep our little man in your thoughts guys, and Ill try and give you updates when I can x
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 00:36:44 +0000

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