Update on Liza Cormanick Magee as posted from her sister Angie - TopicsExpress


Update on Liza Cormanick Magee as posted from her sister Angie yesterday. Making progress..... By Angie Jackson — 13 hours ago Hello friends and family, Just a quick update on Liza. She has been home from the most recent James visit for about three weeks and making progress. She is working on physical therapy and following a session today, she stood on her own two feet. It was difficult and didnt last but a few seconds BUT she did it!!! She hasnt stood up on her own in about 10 weeks, so this is definitely progress!!!!!! Hopefully in the next few weeks her strength will improve and she will add to standing by walking........ We know the moment she is able to walk into her kitchen.....her motivation and spirit will immediately improve to want to cook all the recipes for her family that she has watched on the cooking channel since February. Our Tío Armando has helped tremendously and there are not enough words to express our gratitude to what he has done to help Liza and the rest of the family by being there at the Magees house Monday - Friday. We know he has to go back to Guatemala in a few weeks, so Lizas progression is VITAL!!!! Our hopes is that she will be able to celebrate the holidays with all of us......out of bed!!!! Plus, she needs to help wash the dishes following Thanksgiving and Christmas family dinners as I refuse to do it without her help this year!!!!!! :) We hope everyone is doing well and in good health. Prayers are always encouraged and SO appreciated!! THANKS for everything! Love, Angie
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 11:29:09 +0000

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