Update on Marley (the dog with the stick in his eye): - TopicsExpress


Update on Marley (the dog with the stick in his eye): Because of the amazing response to the video we posted the other day, we wanted to give a little backstory to what happened to Marley. Marley belongs to our very own Dr. Leavey, who had brought him in after being smacked in the face by a very large branch. His eye had been very red, inflamed and painful. He didnt want anyone touching his face. Marley was put on a cocktail of eye medication to treat what was believed to be just a scratched cornea, however, by the next day, Marley was getting worse. Dr. Leavey decided to do a sedated eye exam (to make it easier and less painful on Marley) so that she could get a good look at what was going on. Expecting to see a scratch on the eye, possibly some debris, she started poking around. There was a very large pocket noticed underneath Marleys eye with some small splinters. As Dr. Leavey began to remove the splinters, it became clear that there was something else going on, and with a little gentle pulling, VOILA! Marley is doing beautifuly now, and is very happy and comfortable. His eye is almost completely back to normal. He is coming in to the clinic daily to have it watched. Marley is very lucky that nothing more serious happened to him, and that we were able to find out what was going on as fast as we did. This is something that we do not normally see, but want to stress that this can potentially happen to any pet. Please keep an eye (haha!) on your pets in the yard and out in the woods, especially those that like to pick up sticks!
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 14:44:54 +0000

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