Update on the God Bless America Rally last night from Evangelist - TopicsExpress


Update on the God Bless America Rally last night from Evangelist Byron G. Foxx: The God Bless America Rally in Augusta County, VA was held last night. God gave a remarkable evening! We were set to start at 6pm, however at 5:53PM I had to make an announcement that we would have to start late. Why? Because we still had a 3 1/2 mile backup of traffic of people still trying to get into the building! Hallelujah! Glory! The building was COMFORTABLY FILLED! We had already set up every chair that EXPOLAND had, and then the ushers did a great job setting up 100 extra chairs they had brought from Victory Baptist. Then the ushers at the very last second ushers found benches and brought the benches in the building!!! HALLELUJAH! The Choir last night sang with the POWER OF GOD! Praise the Lord! The CAST- WOW! GLORY!!! The parking lot attendants were amazing! The Ushers, Prayer Patriots, Decision Counselors, Offering Counters.....every worker seemed to rise to the occasion! All the glory and honor goes to the Lord! God allowed me preach a simple gospel message from John 3:16. The Lord gave a wonderful increase! We saw dozens and dozens of souls saved! I am still getting reports of people that were saved last night! Hallelujah! Glory to God! There are 60,000 homes in Augusta County VA. By the grace of God we were able to get to about 95% of them! Hallelujah! 14 churches worked together! And we will all acknowledge it was God proved who Himself STRONG! With all of my heart, I want to say THANK YOU! NOW my work in the GBAC in Charlotte, NC must move into "hyper gear"! UPDATE on my wife Renee: Tomorrow or Wednesday I will be taking her to her pulmonary doctor. Pray for her, please. Renee and I were scheduled to be on vacation this week. Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary - number 30! Hallelujah! Thank you again! And: God Please Bless America!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 11:44:02 +0000

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