Update taller de Jaye Martin en Asha Shala! Quedan 3 espacios - TopicsExpress


Update taller de Jaye Martin en Asha Shala! Quedan 3 espacios para el yoga immersion con Jaye Martin. Empezamos día viernes por la noche y terminamos el domingo por la tarde. Experimenta lo que es ser guiada por un gran maestro con muchísimos años de experiencia en enseñar. Jaye es especialista en la alineación, su forma de explicar, de dar las guías hacia asanas bastante avanzadas hace que uno llegue bastante lejos en la practica. Este es un taller dedicado a cualquier persona, con cualquier tipo de cuerpo, y cualquier tipo de practica. Aquí estaremos enfocandonos en perfeccionar nuestras posturas, desde la mas básica hasta la mas avanzada. La alineación es la base para un safe yoga practice. Recuerda que si te lesionas por no entender como funciona la anatomía del cuerpo y aun mas de tu propio cuerpo, retrocederás muchas veces aproximadamente lo que equivale a un año o dos años de practica, muchas veces tu cuerpo no podrá regresar a como era antes. Así que si sientes que no eres bueno en backbends, inversiones, forwardbends te recomiendo tomar el taller de lo que eres bueno para perfeccionar tu posturas, y tomar el taller en el cual sientes que no tienes habilidad para comprender como funciona tu cuerpo, así ir avanzando en esa fuerza y flexibilidad con sabiduría, y precisión. Hoy es el ultimo día en el cual obtienes el mejor precio para el taller con Jaye. No dejes pasar esta gran oportunidad ya que no todos los dias, uno tiene la suerte de que venga un maestro con la experiencia de Jaye, y con la magia y alegria de alguien como el.. p.s: Para todos los maestros de yoga, super recomendado! Quien es Jaye Martin? Ive always been physically active. I ran track in HS, swam in college, and have always enjoyed skating, gardening, hiking, and canoeing since I was a kid. Of course, my career as a professional dancer was the most physically demanding thing Ive ever done. Being a classical ballet dancer can be very stressful for the mind as well as the body...sometimes performing twice a day, rehearsing, and taking class in order to stay in shape and keep up technical standards. When not performing, sometimes I felt like I was at a constant audition with pressure to always look good and act vibrant and energetic even if I was tired or injured.... This was very important in order to be cast in good roles. In the ballet world it wasnt much about how you felt or whether or not you listened to your inner voice, it was about what you looked like on stage, performing and acting. I did some damage to my body. I was in subconscious denial of this for years. Thankfully, through yoga, the damage is revealed to me, sometimes its repaired itself! When I look back, I see profound changes in my body since beginning yoga. These days I almost always feel good! If I dont, Im very likely to listen to my inner voice and respond in an appropriate way. My body can move and express in ways it never did, Im a better listener, more compassionate and WAY more balanced than ever in regard to my physicality. Of course, Yoga is something much bigger to me than the physical. The reason I first came to yoga class was for stress relief. Working as a dancer was stressful enough, but then I was going through a divorce at the same time. I needed to be accepted, loved, just as I was. I needed to believe and know that I was good and worthy of unconditional love no matter what I looked like, no matter how I performed. Yoga has brought all this and more to me. I especially cherish the heartfelt connection to all, the feeling of oneness, and that we are co-creators in this experience...in the universe. What a big blessing it is! And what a wonderful gift it is for me to teach, to help and empower others the way my teachers have done for me. Blessings and all love to all my teachers including the one inside of me!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 17:23:55 +0000

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