Updated way more on my Vamp story: Vampirism Study - TopicsExpress


Updated way more on my Vamp story: Vampirism Study Subject By Cherilyn Ohlau The Great Mouse Detective is owned by Eve Titus/Disney Hows the test subject? Currently caged... Poor thing, I kinda feel sorry for it. What was once a retired detective seeking solitude in death, awoke as a beast that hungered for blood. He was sedated and brought in due to the spark of bile interest, that the once Great Mouse Detective was reduced to such a mess. Pigments were grey, eyes were glassy, he was declared dead on the spot yet he was awoken in the morgue and attacked to the nearest person closest to him, sinking sharps fangs in to drain their blood. Basil was...no longer who he was, in fact his heart mightve stopped but his soul could not leave. Subject 46 was his new name. A bloody number like stock, including clipping his ear. To Dawson and those who were close to the detective, science never looked so disgusting. They wanted Basil to rest on to the next life not be caged. Basil sat in his cell in a hospital gown, black pores growing on his arm, his mouth was salivating, drooling, his teeth were sharp and bloody from given a bold pack to at least salve his hunger, and his fur was grey was from old age and dead pigments. Rottestant was one of the doctors keeping an eye on his condition, he looked at his co-worker, the head scientist, Horis. What do you think those pores are? Rottestant asked, Allergies? No, his cells are dead...what you see are new cells emerging to heal the damaged body internally, Horis replied, Have you noticed anything else odd? Err, his stomach grew. Which is odd we have him the needed diet of blood, hes quite the glutton over meat. Horis chuckled, We call it a blood sack. Blood sack? Basil absorbs the blood through his fangs, goes down his throat until it reaches the stomach. He keeps it inside, for health reasons, it also keeps his body warm... Rottestant grimaced. Not a nice image is it? Horis said, Vampires, Rotty, just think of the breakthroughs we can pull through with this creature. Isnt he aware? Horis glared, Aware? Hes dead, just because hes moving doesnt mean he feels pain...! They both looked at the door when it opened, Dawson walked in with Basils apprentice and adopted son, Toady, Ugh...more disturbances. Release my father and at least out him out of his misery! Toady yelled, Hes old and shouldve died. Todd, you should go back to your stinking high school, Horis snapped. Dont talk to Toady in such a way! Dawson shot back, You really think its right to experiment on an old friend without the families consent?! Horis sighed. That was one of the niches to making new discoveries in the scientific and medical field, dead bodies were supposed to be free game, however those related tended to get riled over it, I want you to get him out! Listen to yourself... Horis started, Youre in the medical field, wouldnt you like to know whats wrong with him? Toady couldnt contain his rage, he punched Horis harshly. Dont talk about him like hes diseased! Toady-! Dawson held the young mouse boy back before he could more damage. Horis looked at his mouth and noticed he was bleeding, Dont do such a thing, Horis looked nervous as he glanced at the cage as he noticed Basil was suddenly wide awake at the slightest smell of his blood. Shit... Basil snarled and growled, rattling the bars and thrashing trying to get out of his cage. Throwing his body against the bars that his pores started to bleed from the impact. Toadys eyes widened and gripped Horis shoulders, Stop, make him stop! He yelled, Dad is hurting himself! Rotty get the staff over to release the sleeping gas, and pump his system with enough sedatives for a sedation period! Yes sir! Toady and Dawson were forced to wait in the waiting room. The smell of plastic and medicine lingering in the air with the sense of dread building up like smoke, Toady could almost choke. Seeing his father in such a state like a snarling beast. Dad... He quietly wept. Dawson gently rubbed his shoulders, Why cant they just let him die? Such is the dark side of any research, whether it was for medical or not, Dawson said softly, In order to help us live. They test subjects like your father for the good of the people, thats the excuse at least, to be honest; with the cards laid out, this looks terrible. Research, testing... Toady sighed, Whats to gain from studying my dad? Something weve always feared and desired, that no man else has achieved, immortality. Toady looked doubtful, Is dad really immortal? I doubt it myself, Dawson replied. Rottestant walked over to them, looking apologetic. Toady glared. Looking at you all ready puts a bad taste in my mouth, he snapped. Im sorry you feel that way, were awfully sorry for the inconvenience, Rottestant said. Toady was silent, grasping his hands together and leaned forward, and his body trembled, Im only Horis coworker for this project involving Rathbark... So, you cant do anything to stop him? Toady asked. Rottestant rubbed his temples, He is the head of this project. We are sorry, all we can do is just say sorry. Sedation periods were made to last three hours, but tests still had to run according to schedule. Strapped onto a chair and having wires on his arms and head, that was connected to a square metal machine with a gauge, Basil, Subject 46, slept. Horis sat across from him handling switches on the box. Rottestant soon walked in, Shock therapy? Reaction timing too, Horis replied, Do me a favor and time it? Rottestant thought it was wise to stay behind, Awfully brave...poking at a sleeping lion. A bloodsucking lion at least, Horis said, We just need to see if he reacts to pain, especially electricity. How much can volts effect a vampire? Can it reactivate his heart? Perhaps spark a few nerves, despite sitting on that chair in an innocent bliss, he is a monster. Not an inch of him understands what position he is in, and I doubt he cares, Horis replied, Hes well strapped in, cant move much. Rottestant swallowed, Why havent you covered his mouth? To see if he speaks, he said, Im about it give the first spark...ten volts. Rottestant took out his watch. Horis turned a dial and turned the switch on, and there was a small twitch from his fingers, Tiny zap, barely a reaction, Horis said. Ten seconds. Second zap...fifteen. Basil growled at the sudden surge that invaded his system, but it felt like nothing more than a pinch. Eight seconds... Rottestant replied nervously. Horis smiled, looking at his subject, and looked at the dial. Being between life and death, just how far he can push in order to get results. Horis slowly turned the dial up to one hundred thirty five, and slowly pushed the switch. The large electric surge pumped through his dead system, and Basils eyes widened and he snarled and bit ate the air, gasping. Horis! Are you mad?! Rottestant snapped. Were here for results, Horis retorted, Time? Five seconds... Basil glared at them, even though he was strapped, he tried to pull out if his restraints in a rage. What such an odd creature, sitting in the chair... Rottestant glared at him, Horis took notice, Whats wrong? I dont think thats wise, Rottestant replied. The least he can do is bite my finger, Horis said, But even I wont be that stupid, he looked back at Basil who silently growled in irritation, Tell me, Subject 46, are you aware of who you are? Where you are? What youre here for? He asked, Can you even speak? Basil looked at though something was stirring within his subconscious, his ears rotated, and in confusion looked around. I told you he was aware, Rottestant said. This rather takes away what I initially thought about his dead brain, Horis mustered in fascination, Perhaps his brain is still reacting, maybe creating its own pulses out from dead matter even though theres none. Kind of a small electric ripple, he presented his hand to his coworker, Give me the picture cards... Rottestant pursed his lips and went to a nearby drawer and pulled out a pile of picture cards usually intended for children and handed them to Horis, Hail Mary, this might be the biggest breakthrough, all of London, no, all of the United Kingdom has even seen in the biological field. Dead brain pulses...environment awareness...even though the body is thought to be dead. I still dont think its right to push so far... Rottestant spoke up. You want to stop now? Rottestant was hesitant to answer, even little breakthroughs was enough to satisfy their own heads and get pay, but looking at Basil; each push was just going too far. What if Basils adopted son was right? Wouldnt have been right to let his body die when it first woke up? Youre not looking at the full picture, Rotty, Horis said, If we can figure out how a vampire functions, we can see what caused it. Didnt you read in the files that the detective was bitten by a drifter on his way home? Rottestant asked, Toady thought the old mouse elder had rabies, frothing at the mouse, blood red eyes, and yet he had sharp fangs and sunk his teeth into Basils shoulder. The police officer shot him in the heart and that was that. It was in the papers for a few days. What was the condition? Rathbark was negative for rabies, but his health did deteriorate quickly--but it was blamed for his old age even his smoking habits, Rottestant explained, He picked up a craving for smoking much more than usual after he was bitten, bloody heck, smoked everywhere...for hours. Trying to make himself choke or put himself out of misery, who knows. He was supposedly died at ten thirty seven P.M at his flat. Died peacefully, he did. This only raises more questions than answers, what of the old man that bit him? Horis asked tapping his cards against the shoulder of his chair. Due to public outrage, the drifters body was thrown to sea... Horis rubbed the temples of his forehead in exasperation, Mousedom is still barbaric in some aspects despite Rathbark refining some of the edges. That body would have helped us understand how Rathbark came to be, he sighed, Tomorrow, get a blood sample. Can I try something, sir? Rottestant asked, Horis shrugged, Subject 46, what do you feel when you hear the name Todd McKins? Toady? Basil stared, even though his eyes and expression looked blank, his eyes started to water. That says enough for me, Rottestant said. Maybe he still remembers his old life, somewhere inside, Horis muttered. Maybe its best to call it off? Horis shook his head, This is just a start, a wonderful start, he looked back at Basil who looked like he was about to doze off again from the sedation injection, Subject 46, does this mean anything to you? He slowly presented a picture of a magnifying glass, and Basils right ear twitched with interest, Right, what about this? He showed another picture this time of a smoking pipe just like his old one. Basil shifted in his seat and tried to pull out of his restraints. Rottestant swallowed nervously at Basils reactions, his eyes widened when the cards were shuffled and Horis showed the biggest trigger, What about this? DETECTIVE. Detective. Detective. Something snapped in Basils brain, causing him to snarl and writhe in his chair, his legs kicking, fighting his own body. Wh-what in the world?! Rottestant exclaimed. Shh, hes trying to speak now... Horis said quietly. Wh...where... Rottestants eyes widened. T-t-take me b-b-back... Subject 46? Basil slumped back, attempting to speak drained what energy he had, Or should I call you Basil from now on? It hurts...its hard to see in here... Basil continued. Horis, Rottestant said, We need to drop this project and give this man relief, we ought to- Horis stopped him, looking at Basil with fascination. Amazed that he was able to speak. What do you mean its hard to see? Horis asked. So black...so black...so black and dark... Basil wept, K-kill me...if you dont...if you dont this disgusting taste will never leave my mouth. It tastes like blood, and I-I can just feel e-everything...down my mouth, into my throat, and into my stomach... He wasnt supposed to feel, he wasnt supposed to be aware, and he wasnt supposed to be speak, and yet this vampire was able to communicate as much as he could with his dead brain. A train of thought. Remarkable. Pl-please kill me-! Basil pleaded, I-Im killing arent I? Subject 46... Thats not my name...! Basil yelled, Its not! Its not! Its not! Its- Get the sedatives... Horis said. Injections were pumped into his arms and Basil lost conscious again and forced back into his cage. Horis never noticed how aggressive Basil had turned a few days after his shock and reaction tests, not until he had received reports from Rottestant of Basil attacking one of the nurses. Died instantly, and loss of blood. It was getting difficult to contain him and his cage was added an extra metal layer in order to keep him inside. Rottestant left a note inside: Subject 46s nails have grown extensively and sharp. His fangs have grew. Eyes sunken in. Irregular breathing. Horis rubbed his chin, that much of a growth? Please kill me. Not like Basil himself would know what his transformation was meaning to the science and medical world. Horis heard a knock on his office door and Dawson came inside, Came to contribute? Dawson shook his head. Hardly...I came here on behalf of the Rathbark family to say to you, to drop this project and end Basils misery. Heck, Ill never hear the end of it, Horis sighed. Horis, hes an old mouse--he shouldve died--letting him live is just torture! Dawson, were making progress with our research; why when this is all over, your old friend will be a landmark to his people, something he shouldve been from the start. A remarkable, valuable asset! Dawson could only hear so much, he glared in anger. Asset? Asset?! Dawson snapped, Hes caged up! One must take precaution when dealing with such things... Dawson rubbed his forehead, I came here with the offer to change your mind, to give you some offer to give the family, even Basil, at ease and this is what you give in return, he sighed, We get the door slammed on us, and spat on. Honestly, Horis, why do you need to study a vampire? An undead? What scientist or doctor wouldnt want to study a creature one that came from legend? Horis explained, Doctor, he heals internal damage that cigarettes have done to his wounds, his life span lasts beyond our years, we can learn so much from study alone. So, you are interested in his abilities; Im telling you, Horis, no good would ever come from this...! Just put him down before he hurts someone again! Dawson said. Horis sighed, hardly listening to his pleas. Are we done here? Dawson fixed his derby and collar and left fuming. Michael who was waiting outside of the institution, his ashy fur was turning a light white and was well earning his own wrinkles, close to his fifties and yet still had a charm to him all these years. He fixed his jacket as Dawson walked over to him, What did they say? Theyre going to keep him still, Dawson said sadly, This is awful, we need to do something. Id suggest court but Horis would be out of London by the time we even get a date and schedule out... Michael sighed. Honestly, this has gotten out of hand. Michael smiled sadly, I was devastated to hear Basil had died; more so than I thought I would...Im older than he is and yet he faded first, he rubbed his neck, I wished every night at Dounes just to hold him in my arms again, to let him know everything is going to be all right. And then...we get this. I feel so stupid. You just missed him and wanted him back. I felt the same way, Dawson said and watched Michael sit down on near by bench, Erm, by the way, hows your back? It was only way to distract from the pain, the pain they felt inside knowing that caged creature was Basil. Michael looked at the doctor, and shrugged. Hardly need my cane nowadays, was all he replied, before Michael could no longer contain his grief, bringing his palms to cover his mouth, as tear swelled. And his body trembled. Dawson sat down next to him. Zepp, Im as sad as you are, Michael slowly hugged Dawson, gripping the old mans jacket and wept. Watch and wait. Thats all we can do. Basil was soon to displayed during a science presentation as the weeks passed and he had to endure testing and blood sampling, a back tooth was pulled out for examination, and another couple of days of shock therapy. For public safety, he was placed in a straight jacket and transferred to a different cage. Deep inside Basil felt himself go in and out of observing his surroundings; his very brain seemed to go on autopilot when he found himself slapped back inside his blood sucking shell. An active soul to a dead body, Basil was trapped inside his own vessel. To use what energy he could muster, he could see people on chairs many of them being professors, scholars, scientists of a school or institute. Placing his head close to the bars he could feel the cold metal, but the curious gazes and fascinated looks of shock and awe never left. Although for some, they clung to each other, some left early. Basil, deep inside, thought it was a wise choice. He looked over and watched as Horis came up to the podium...
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 03:10:14 +0000

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