Upon review of your last contest prep, please reflect and - TopicsExpress


Upon review of your last contest prep, please reflect and determine whether or not it was healthy so that you can make an informed decision how you are going to prep for the next time: 9 Signs Your Contest Preparation is/was NOT Healthy. 9. Your 10 weeks out and you misplace your phone, so you spend two hours looking for it, and finally realise it is in your hand. Yes you can do this in peak week and find a giggle in it, but 10 weeks out it is a warning sign. 8. You find your gut was not able to tolerate even small amounts of normal foods and therefore you had huge responses on the scales due to severe water weight changes. 7. You lost a relationship with a significant person in your life that until comp prep had only had normal ups and downs. 6. Your before comp pictures and show day pictures look really, really different. Particularly if in the before pics you cannot APPRECIABLY see a vast INCREASE in muscularity. If this person demonstrates a real thickness and robust musculature you may be exempt from this sign....but only IF 5. Home is your choice of treadmill/stairmaster/bike or GRIIT classes. You have completely forgotten what the inside of your lounge-room is and you cannot recall the last time you nestled up with your partner and pooch to watch a few episodes of your favourite TV series.... or....you have never heard of Game Of Thrones 4. Your face, neck and hands indicate that you have just been releases from Alcatraz, I mean you are beyond all semblance of lean and healthy 3. You have been instructed by your guru trainer/coach for the past 12-16 weeks to cardio over 10 hours a week, eat less than your BMR and upon close inspection of your diet plan you have had low/no complex carbs and no/low fats. Oh, yes, and that YOU have not worked hard enough and were probably cheating. 2. Your photo 3 months after your contest (please note: this is IF you did not binge ridiculously and if you did this still may not be YOUR fault anyway, or decide to switch lifestyles as you no longer wanted to a part of the fitness one) does not mirror you. Or, people would have a hard time believing that you stepped on stage only 12 short weeks ago. Again, note that I am not suggesting this is your fault. What I am suggesting is that your prep was probably not thorough enough or was plagued in endless flaws that you should not repeat again. 1. Your view of your contest is similar to a wedding or childbirth…you have the climax of the big event and then the let down afterwards.....and you feel like there is a great big nothingness . Girls might I remind you.....it’s after the wedding and after the baby is born that all the important stuff happens. Preparing for what you are going to do when you walk OFF the stage is equally as important as preparing for getting ON stage. I am suggesting to you that comp is not your life, not should it be, sure its an important day, but plan your next move, and have balance in your plans for when its over! A healthy attitude, keeping it all in perspective is a good comp prep, in my opinion.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 02:02:51 +0000

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