Uruguay is taking on 5 guantamo bay terrorists stating that they - TopicsExpress


Uruguay is taking on 5 guantamo bay terrorists stating that they are refugees, are you kidding me? Refugees? How dare they?? Uruguayans can barely feed their own families, I think this money would be better spent on domestic affairs, but since Uruguayan president is a publicity whore, they will do anything to get his name in the papers. And of course anything that they can do against the American people is a plus. And to think that the American govt is opening tourist visas to the Uruguayan people, maybe now that they will have terrorists among them this govt will reconsider-hopefully!! I wish that the embarrassing president Mojica would come to ground zero and see the devastation to this city and its people, then he would realize that he is making a horrible mistake, but I doubt it.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 18:18:15 +0000

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