Use the hashtag #WhoisMuhammad to let the world know about him - TopicsExpress


Use the hashtag #WhoisMuhammad to let the world know about him (PBUH), post everything about him (PBUH) and make sure your make it public. No privacy required on such posts. Dont forget to use the hashtag. Let’s tell the world who he really is, this is the right way to protest against the “apparent” disrespect of our beloved prophet, because I believe that Nobody past, present or future will be able to dishonour, the most honoured man ever in history, our beautiful and beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alahiwasallam). Isnt it amazing, the more they abuse him, the more he is admired, loved and followed? Below is a list of possible lines you could share on your pages and profiles. Please make use you’re your immense followership for the greater good. CTRL+C and V is all that I am asking. PLEASE https://facebook/video.php?v=761964317205564 The man who never wrote an autobiography yet has more biographies written about him than any man in history. #WhoIsMuhammadﷺ#WhoIsMuhammad Nobody past, present or future will be able to dishonour, the most honoured man ever in history, our beautiful and beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alahiwasallam), the mercy for the whole of mankind heart emoticon #WhoisMuhammad #WhoIsMuhammad When Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) entered Mecca, he dealt with Meccan people mercifully and told them that He had forgiven them for their fought against him for years. He told them , Go, you are all free Our beloved Prophet (pbuh) while receiving his daughter, Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with her) , he used to rise from his seat, kiss her on the forehead, and make her sit in his own place. #WhoIsMuhammad #WhoIsMuhammad “I became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission.” (Young India): Mahatma Gandhi: Known as ‘Father of the Nation’ for his contributions to Indian independence You ask #WhoIsMuhammad #ThisIsMuhammad The man who stopped the people from burying their daughters alive. The man who chose to forgive others than to take revenge when he had the right to do so.. The man who taught us to respect other religions. The man who starved himself but fed others. The man who wiped away status-hood,cast system and racism from the society. The man who taught us to respect women,gave rights to animal. The man who would visit the one who threw trash on him. The man who treated the captives just like the free. The man who prayed for the guidance of those who oppressed him in every way they could. The man who lived a poor humble life when he could have lived the life of a Caesar. The man who carried the burden of others and helped widows with their work. He was the man who taught us the purpose of our lives,he worried,cried and loved us even before our existence. And yet you ridicule him..?? #WhoIsMuhammad The one who taught us to respect all religions. #WhoIsMuhammad Theres so much about him that I love but the one I really love the most is lady throwing waste on him while walking the path n one day she doesnt show up n he worries about her n pays a visit n tells her what he (PBUH) was doing at her place n she converts Allahu Akbar. #WhoIsMuhammad He was very patient..One thing I love about his character is : When a disbeliever walked into the Mosque and urinated, his followers started insulting the disbeliever and wanted to beat him up. But the Muhammed[S.A.W] spoke softly to his followers saying ; leave him....let him be,Dont u knw rushing to him culd make him scared n if you beat him up he culd die or he may suffer from an illness if you dont allow him to finish urinating. The Prophets followers steped back,the disbeliever finished easing him self and walked to the Prophet n converted. #WhoIsMuhammad He built an army without a gun, an empire without him being a king. The world shall never get a leader like or close to him. #WhoIsMuhammad He taught us that the best of us are those who are the best in their manners. #WhoIsMuhammad? One day a poor man brought a bunch of grapes to the holy prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) as a gift.The holy prophet (pbuh) ate one, two, three and then the whole bunch of grapes by himself. He did not offer grapes to anyone present. The poor man who brought those grapes was very pleased and left. One of the companions asked, O prophet of Allah (peace be upon Him) ! How come you ate all the grapes by yourself and did not offer to any one of us present?The holy Prophet (peace be upon Him) smiled and said, I ate all the grapes by myself because the grapes were sour. If I would have offered you, you might have made funny faces and that would have hurt the feelings of that poor man. I thought to myself that its better that I eat all of them cheerfully and please the poor man. I did not want to hurt the feelings of that poor man.Such were the manners of this most noble prophet of Allah. #WhoIsMuhammad, The man who cried for me and loved me over 1400 years down the line, without even knowing me... The people of Taaif stoned him till he bleeded , Yet He asked Allah to forgive them.(PBUH) #WhoIsMuhammad #WhoIsMuhammad (PBUH) the Prophet of mercy, who made it clear to us that God will not show mercy to those that do not show mercy to others. #WhoIsMuhammad A blind beggars testament: He has never scolded me! In the corner of the marketplace of Madinah, was a blind Jewish beggar, who would cry out daily to all those who came near him, O my brothers, dont be near Muhammad! Hes a lunatic, hes a liar, a sorcerer! If you are to be close to him, you will be influenced by him! No matter whoever approached him, the blind Jewish beggar will definitely not waste his chance to incite them to hate the Prophet Muhammad, Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam (peace be upon him)! All kinds of curses would spew forth from the beggars lips even though he had never known the Prophet personally! The news about the blind Jewish beggars daily cursing and badmouthing him came to the knowledge of the Prophet Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam! Even then, the Holy Prophet Muhammad did not get angry and he ignored the blind Jewish beggars insults against himself! On the contrary, from that day onwards, at each morning, the Prophet Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam visited the blind beggar and brought food for him! Without saying a single word, the Blessed Messenger (peace be upon him) would feed the beggar with his own hand! The blind beggar would chew the food being fed to him and eat contentedly. Once he was full, hed express his gratitude without knowing that the one who had fed him was the Holy Prophet of Allah, Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam! The Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam continued to feed the blind beggar without fail each day till the day he died! Throughout his service to the blind beggar, he never identified himself to the blind Jewish beggar! After the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam had passed away, no one brought food to the blind beggar anymore! The blind Jewish beggar waited daily and was perplexed as to why the kind man did no longer come to feed him and provide for him as he had done all this while. The blind beggar waited in vain for the kind gentleman who had never missed visiting him each and every morning all these while . ~~~ One day, the closest Companion of the Holy Prophet Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam, Saiyidina Abu Bakar As Siddiq @ The Truthful One, Radhiallahu Anhu (May Allah be pleased with him) visited the home of his daughter, Saiyidatina Aishah, Radhiallahu Anha (May Allah be pleased with her), the widow of the Blessed Messenger (SAW). Abu Bakar asked Aishah, O my child, is there any habit of my beloved (Prophet) that I have yet to carry on? Aisyah replied, Dear Father, you are verily a follower of the Sunnah (Habits) of the Prophet and there is none that you have yet to do except for one deed only! What is that? asked Abu Bakar. Every morning, the Prophet of Allah will go to the end of the marketplace, bringing food to a blind old Jewish beggar who lives there and feed him by his hand, said Aishah. The next day, Abu Bakar As Siddiq went to the marketplace with food for the blind beggar. Abu Bakar As Siddiq approached the beggar and started to feed him. At the first handfull of food being fed to him, the blind Jewish beggar became angry and shouted out , Who are you? Abu Bakar answered I am the one who usually feeds you every morning. No! Dont you lie to me! objected the blind beggar. Abu Bakar was shocked, thus he asked Why do you say so? Answered the blind Jewish beggar, Because when he comes to me, I always felt it easy to hold his hand and found it easy to chew the food he fed me! The man who used to feed me would make the food fine before feeding it to me! Abu Bakar As Siddiq could not hold back his tears anymore and he burst out crying and had to disclose who he actually was to the beggar. Verily, I am not the one who used to come and feed you. I am one of his Companions for the noble one is alive no more! He was none other than the Blessed Prophet of Allah, Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam! Muhammad? asked the blind old Jewish beggar, totally shocked with what he had just heard. You mean to tell me that the one who came each morning without fail and fed me by his hand was Muhammad? asked the beggar. Yes! It was Muhammad! answered Abu Bakar. Immediately, the blind old Jewish beggar wailed out in despair and cried so pitifully coming to realise that it was none other than the Holy Prophet who had been feeding him all this while. All these while!...all these while, I had been cursing him, I had been slandering him! Not once has he ever scolded me ! He kept coming every morning to feed me! He is so noble!.. cried the old blind Jewish beggar as he wiped away his flowing tears on his cheeks. The blind beggar reached out to Saiyidina Abu Bakar As Siddiq, the first Caliph of the Muslims and testified before him the Kalimah Shahadah : Ash har doo Allah ila ha ill lall Lah! Wa ash har doo anna Muhammad darr Rasulullah! declaring that There is No God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah! From that moment onwards, the blind old Jewish beggar became a Muslim. @};- Excerpt taken from the Life of the Sahaba of Rasulullah Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 17:34:27 +0000

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