Usually, Reddit makes me angry. But this, THIS, is so simple and - TopicsExpress


Usually, Reddit makes me angry. But this, THIS, is so simple and so profound: HeMightBeJoking 2794 points 5 hours ago: That she is not, nor will she ever be, that one piece that makes my life complete. I spent my entire young life feeling worthless and like I was lacking something. I jumped from relationship to relationship hoping to find the person that could love me perfectly and make my life complete. For a while I thought my wife would be that person, and then for a while I thought she could change to become that person. But she wont. And she cant. She is flawed just like every other person. She has her own needs and issues. She loves me the best that she can, and she works hard at it, just like I have to work hard to love her the best that I can. But she cannot be everything to make my life complete. I need friends and family that love me. I need things in my life to work toward. I need challenges and goals, successes and failures. Most importantly I am having to learn how to see myself as important and valuable. I love my wife, and I know that she loves me, but placing the expectation on her to make my life complete is unfair and has caused a lot of heartache in our relationship. The more I learn to love myself, and the more I focus on loving her just for who she is, the stronger our relationship grows. I hope some of that made sense. Trying to fit words to what Im thinking is difficult, especially since I havent had coffee yet. TL:DR: Love is hard work, even when you marry the right person.
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 16:34:12 +0000

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