Usually, and given my profession, I do not speak out about - TopicsExpress


Usually, and given my profession, I do not speak out about politics and I avoid political conversation like the Black Plague. It is because I wanted to be taken seriously when the time came to get real. Well people, excuse me, but shit just got real. And if anyone of you seriously think that Obama is some solo bad guy haha you have a reality check coming, because Obama is the least of your worries and to daily blame him for everything is absolutely irrational. And I have a hunch that he is seriously trying to do what he feels is best for our country — maybe his best is not the best, but who of you can tell me what is and then get that arse elected and fix it? For the love of God people he is one man! It took an empire of enlightened geniuses, some seriously determined arse holes and Patriots to build this country. Now an army of the greedy and lazy are leaving it to turn to rubble. I promise you that MOST of our countries problems have to do with people who are negligent and those who are smart enough to know how to rip us all off — criminals can accomplish amazing things *Facepalm.* Think about how crafty our meth heads are! Dont even get me started on those with agendas. There are religions, religious movements, entire countries who lay and wait for our demise. They wait for the bottom to drop out of our dollar and wait for our collapse. China owns a small fraction of our national debt, but that small fraction is $1.3 Trillion. During the shutdown China warned us to pay our bills. There are a lot of conspiracy theorists and untrue political memes out there, but what I have said in these threads — with exception of my noted hunch — are facts, but PLEASE dont take my word for it. RESEARCH it for yourself. Watch C-SPAN! People may say, Oh MJ you are over reacting. After April 15, 2014, please come back to me and say that again — and I hope I am only over reacting. I hope I am wrong and we all start shooting rainbows and sunshine out our behinds.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 02:54:04 +0000

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