Usually keep these type of comments off Facebook, but today as I - TopicsExpress


Usually keep these type of comments off Facebook, but today as I was given a clean bill of health Im going to make an exception. Need to thank a few people who helped the kid out along the way. First, my angel, my grandmother whose prayers over the years helped me through the courtroom and hospital beds. My mother, whose life was put on hold over the last 12 months. My brother Anthony, who meticulously hand picked my surgeon and everyone of my doctors. My cousin Elly, who came to see me everyday at Mt. Sinai after work. My sister-in-law Nikole who brought my nephew Dylan to come visit me when I was laid up. Guri Singh for riding with me since day one and being an unbelievable friend to the family, whose wife Michelle Fein, blessed me with a ridiculous gift basket before I started chemo. Gregg Giovanni my right hand man, for popping into Mt. Sinai for a surprise visit, making me laugh until I hurt, reminding me that laughter is the best medicine. My big bro Russell Davis and his wife Brittany, for checking in on me, even when his father was fighting for his life. My homie Aktion K. Jackson, for having me come through and burn, helping me get through the early chemo sessions. Quentin Burton and Steven Davis, for lighting up with me helping me get through the pain. Jerry Walia for missing work and coming 100 blocks uptown to hold my mothers hand while I had surgery. Harry Walia for making his way into the City to visit the kid. Nick Theiss for checking in with me on almost a daily basis, putting my health above whatever else we had going on. Al Fenza, who told me last Summer, f**k the Hamptons, I dont feel like partying until my road dog is good. Michael Charleston, for going out of his way to check in with me when he heard I was sick. Adam Koral for taking my mother home from the hospital in the dead of night so she can get some sleep. Marc Flynn for coming to the house and checking in. Chris Brown who called me from up top to check in about my health. Samantha LaRa for being the first face I saw after surgery. My boys, Dean Drapan, Justin Killen & John Augusta, for giving me the first midnite visit in the history of Mt. Sinai Hospital. Finally, my surgeon, Dr. Daniel Labow, who is as efficient with a scalpel, as Michael Jordan is with a basketball. Anybody that I missed Im truly sorry and I love you all deeply. Gonna cut this short as I feel like Im rambling as this anesthesia got me feeling extra loopy.
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 20:37:38 +0000

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